Was your friend isong the phone on a bicycle or motorcycle? I'm asking because it's not only a matter of hard vibrations, but also the frequencies invovled, and motorcycles engone can stimulate the wrong ones, while I was unaware of issues on bicycles.
this is very interesting, but it is relatade to a specific USA place and to a specific change (4 lanes to 3 lanes+cycle paths). unfortunately conclusions can't be generalized, in this case.
I use a poncho from decatholon when it rains and it works fine. I also have a couple rain overshoes, because the feet aren't protected.
All in all i think that for my case this is the best solution, because it doesn't rain often, the climate here is warm (the poncho is better for sweat than a rain jacket) and we have no strong winds, which would make you fly with a poncho
Giusto, ma oltre alla quantità, conta anche la qualità!
Comunque mi avevi consigliato di tenere Jerboa come backup, non l'ho mai dovuto usare!
Lo uso da mesi, funziona benissimo!
DieguiTux8623 sempre disponibile per risolvere problemi 😉
Potrebbe essere l'inizio di un film di fantscienza. Prima la buca, poi la vorsgine, poi il camion che sprofonda. Poi sprofondano le gru che dovevano recuperare il camion. Alla fine sprofonsa tutta la città!
You need a satellite to do that, I think
It is at world level, according to WHO
In the linked page the same WHO states that road fatalities are the leading cause of death "for children and young adults aged 5–29 years":
Comodo, ma non ho trovato un modo sensato per "scalare" un video senza dovermi calcolare a mano sia la risoluzione verticale che orizzontale. In altre parole manca la spunta "maniteni proporzioni". O sbaglio?
except for the “cars are great” part.
Yeah... Excluding moron drivers you have:
- fucking dangerous for anyone outside the car
- killing millions every year
- main cause of death among those aged 15–29 years
- air pollution
- noise pollution
- one of the main sources of greenhouse emissions
- wasting space where it's more valuable
- wasting money on subsides, directly and indirectly because of roads needed
- distorting urban growth to increase dependency on it
I'm probably still forgetting something important...
I was genuinely surprised, because what you wrote was really different from what I experienced. But my experience i Munich is objectively limited. I somehow hoped that Germany, and Munich (along with other European cities) could be used as a model of how to do things right.
What drives me mad here is the absolute inaction
Exactly, and all this stuff about counting the cars is to try to move something. I have not much hope honestly, but excluding violence and vandalism, I think this is as much as someone can do
The city even responds to requests with the risk of damage to cars (!!) instead of considering humans.
This is completely crazy. In Milan they justify bad parking by saying things like "it has always been like this" or "yeah, but you can go around it" etc. FFS, do your job!!
Ricordo la sorpresa di vedere a Monaco di Baviera tanta gente con l'ombrellone in riva al fiume, e l'acqua era niente male!
Decisamente un valore aggiunto!