Thank you for the idea! Didn't cross my mind but it does make sense.
You're very much welcome!
Happy printing!
But what if I need only one and I need it today?
Never saw it before, does look similar though. But I guess there are only so many ways of making a thing fit inside another thing through a cutout.
I am more of a double sided tape guy, but you are very welcome to remix the model.
No not really. Just monotonic lines for me.
It has a 60°C short program. Fiberlogy PETG doesn't warp at those temps.
That is why I regularly disassemble mine and toss them in the dishwasher to prevent mold and to clean them from dust and drinks.
If anyone is interested, the problem was due to packing material not being completely removed from under the printbed.
So, the PSU voltage switch is for setting input voltage. You might be running it on 110V instead of 230V, though unlikely but it doesn't hurt to check.
Checking the y motor and endstop wiring I recommended because I had a similar problem on my x-axis when my motor wire and endstop wire came loose, where the motor was jittering and buzzing, but not moving.
The .cfg file is the configuration file for Klipper firmware, which is taylored for your printer. Since you said that your firmware issues got fixed I don't think that's it, but if nothing else, redownload and reinstall the .cfg file and if that does not help, reinstall klipper as a last resort. Do so only if nothing else helps.
If you need more help, I could help you through video chat. Just DM me.
Apologies for such a belated answer, but I would advise you to steer clear of Tinkercad. It is fairly limited in what it can do, and the skills you acquire there don't really transfer to more advanced CAD software. If I were you, I'd start in Fusion 360, even though I don't like it and use FreeCAD myself, because it's beginner friendly and there are a lot of tutorials on how to use it and for what. I would also advise you to start with something simple, like a hook for example. It is a fairly steep learning curve, and there are quirks if you are making something for 3D printing specifically. If you want more info, don't be afraid to DM me, I'll try to set you on the right path. Cheers!