
joined 1 year ago
[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

I remember doing something similar in HS 20+ years ago.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

Probably because "save the planet" and "we're pumping more oil than ever" don't go well together.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

So is it safe to assume this isn't going to be a free and fair vote?

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I didn't completely leave behind reddit. I still view, but I only comment/post on lemmy.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 40 points 10 months ago

lol@ this. My bet what is actually happening: cost cutting or future nitro feature.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

I don't think this will happen. What they want is for PCs to be like phones, a closed system where you are pretty much locked into installing anything you want on your PC(and thus anything you buy as well) from their exclusive app store. The cloud thing just extra expense for no real benefit to them. However if there's an opportunity to push one drive you can be sure they will. And MS has been trying to move in this direction since windows 8.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 16 points 10 months ago

"people who are struggling still need a burger"

and that right there is why they raised their prices.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

it will be a banking experience where musk will get all of your banking data. I bet that's why he's so into it and the "do everything" super app approach.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

you can overclock the panel to 180hz but it supports 165 without it.

edit: oh nevermind I see now, this is related to response time.

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

$15 off for new customers(worth a try) MPNW2X23A

[–] justaveg@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

New customer $15 off coupon MPNW2X23A


Another monoprice monitor, even if it isn't the best $160 is a great price.


No backorders or preorders, 4200 in stock as of this post. Note that no heatsink comes with this CPU.


I'm not ready to upgrade yet but I'm just wondering how bad the 3090 memory issues are, and what can reasonably be done about it. I asked once before and the response was basically "there aren't really any good options to deal with it", but I have a hard time believing that some heatsinks wouldn't take care of the issue. So I guess, what are my options? Is the 3090 so bad that I should just avoid it?


Pretty awesome deal, see these go for more than that used and the hardwareswap discord folks usually ask 120-130 obo. Please be aware that no heatsink or retail box is included.


I deliberately warm up my soda if it is cold.


Seems like a good price for mITX case. MIR sucks but eh...


So I am working on upgrading my pc and looking at power supplies. I see that some of them support PCIE 5 power and some do not. So my question is, if I get a PSU that is on the old standard and I later buy a GPU that only has PCIE 5 power, is using an adapter to fit the old power supply to the new GPU a bad idea? Or is this generally something that would be OK assuming quality components?


So I guess this is half frugal and half just wanting a guilty pleasure with as little effort as possible, but I used to eat some box noodles that I had to cut out because the price went way up on them. It's so ridiculous, used to be like $2 a box before the pandemic, now it is hard to find for less than $5. Anyway the product is taste of thai peanut noodles. I can link to it if needed. But here's why I liked it.

  1. I'm on a limited diet, so no wheat, dairy, and a few other minorish things due to food allergies. This eliminates most box noodles and a lot of good options for portable meal things.

  2. good # of calories. 600ish calories in a box. Not too much sodium, less than most box noodles. Not that I need to watch sodium but ya know. The amount most things like canned food and instant noodles have is just downright suffocating.

  3. tasty and filling. What can I say? it's peanut noodles, way better than most box noodles. imo anyway.

  4. very portable. I just need water and a microwave and I'm good to go. Presto! I have a cheap meal I can take with me when I'm on a small trip. Also no need to keep it cold or in the freezer.

So what I want is to basically mimic this in a "build it yourself" sort of way. I mean it doesn't have to be exact, and really I'm also open to other suggestions. And yeah I know I could just cook it on the stove but that is not so easy to just take with me.

Before folks suggest sandwiches: Yeah, but I don't regularly buy GF bread because it is pricey. So that means I have to specifically go out and buy a loaf just to prepare to take a meal somewhere. Then I have to eat the rest later or it will go bad. Whereas the box noodles... I can buy a dozen of them and they can sit in the cupboard all year long.

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