It isn’t hard to do backups, just a chore
Right, and since now we have devices that can store thousands of pictures and data, and SSD cards that do the same, people tell themselves, maybe later, later, later until later catches up with you and you loose everything. It's been at the end of last year, but my lady friend was riding my ztr and her phone fell out of her pocket. Next thing I saw was iphone bits blasting out from under the mower deck. Now luckily, I am very fastidious at backing up her phone, but shit happens and I've always been one who adhered to the 3-2-1 rule. In fact, on my daily driver computers, the only thing that is on their HDD is the OS, and maybe a app or two that I wanted to check out. They really are like thin clients. Otherwise, everything goes to storage and that is backed up daily.
This is a very important point actually. A back up is worthless unless it has been tested.