
joined 1 week ago
[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

This is a very important point actually. A back up is worthless unless it has been tested.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

It isn’t hard to do backups, just a chore

Right, and since now we have devices that can store thousands of pictures and data, and SSD cards that do the same, people tell themselves, maybe later, later, later until later catches up with you and you loose everything. It's been at the end of last year, but my lady friend was riding my ztr and her phone fell out of her pocket. Next thing I saw was iphone bits blasting out from under the mower deck. Now luckily, I am very fastidious at backing up her phone, but shit happens and I've always been one who adhered to the 3-2-1 rule. In fact, on my daily driver computers, the only thing that is on their HDD is the OS, and maybe a app or two that I wanted to check out. They really are like thin clients. Otherwise, everything goes to storage and that is backed up daily.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

Love tailscale. The only issue I had with it is making it play nice with my local, daily driver VPN. Got it worked out tho. So, now everything is jippity jippity.

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

In a life before a TBI and subsequent seizure condition robbed me of a functioning brain, I actually ran the IT dept for a company which I worked for as a mech eng, estimator, designer, and project manager. This one gentleman who was a field super and his wife had been trying for years to have a child. They finally did after many miscarriages and rough times, and as you can imagine, they took so many pictures of their baby. He called me one day in a panic about his computer and so I rushed over to his house. Long story short, his HDD had suffered a major crash for whatever reason, and everything was gone. No backups of his baby pictures, nothing. I sent the HDD off to see what could be recovered, but apparently it everything was toast.

Even tho it wasn't my pictures, it hurt me to my core, that all these pictures and memories this man and his wife had accumulated, were gone forever. It really did a number on me and I think about it from time to time even tho that has been decades ago.

Make backups folks. It might take you the better part of a Saturday afternoon to get everything backed up and secure, but do it anyways.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Excuse me while I solve a few more captchas.

Buster for captcha.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Will Proxmox BackUp server handle remote VPS? I had assumed that it only was for ProxMox VM's.

Backup Types: Proxmox Backup Server is optimized for backing up Proxmox VMs and containers. If your VPS is running a different virtualization platform, you may need to adapt your backup strategy accordingly.

That's what AI tells me and then gives a configuration such as:



# Variables
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")

# Create a backup of the Docker volume
docker run --rm -v ${VOLUME_NAME}:/volume -v ${BACKUP_DIR}:/backup alpine \
    sh -c "cd /volume && tar czf /backup/${VOLUME_NAME}_${TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz ."

# Optionally, export the container

echo "Backup completed for ${CONTAINER_NAME} and ${VOLUME_NAME} at ${TIMESTAMP}"

Yeah I know it's AI, which may or may not be completely accurate. Would I need to do that for each and every Docker container? I've got some 60 +/- containers. LOL <whine boohoo!>

That along with the client on the remote VPS would take care of Docker containers, however, I would also like to back up configuration files, and data associated with UFW, F2B, etc. Pretty much a snapshot of each server.

These lowendbox hosts don't include snapshots and frills and Contabo only lets you keep one snapshot active. I did find an N8N flow that automates the snapshot process for Contabo. I guess I could upgrade to better hosts, but one of the VPS is my skunk works server where I run and test everything before putting it into's like $25 per year. Contabo is decent, and LuxVPS gives me the most bang for buck including all the frills for $10 a month. So, that's about as much fun money I got for the time being.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I looked at Borg, didn't see a GUI, but Borgwarehouse look good. It's on the list. Thanks

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I run Proxmox on the local server. I didn't know Veeam had a community edition. The 13 gb download just finished. It's on the list. Thanks.


So, I run three VPS and one rack in the closet. Currently I have Duplicati running on all four servers. What I would like to do is have one central server back up all four servers and store the backups in an offsite repository.

I'd prefer something with a good GUI. I know you purist get a hard on thinking about the CLI, and while it is a very powerful aspect of Linux, I still like a GUI.

What are my options?

Side note, I wanted to look at Bacula but their site seems nonexistent. Is Bacula defunct?

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

I too use Freshrss. I use a lot of the feeds from which tracks all the Github Awesome lists.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

This is the home lab creed: You do with what you have. Before I accumulated a bit of equipment, I've used laptops, RPi, minicomputers, at one time I had a cluster of Wyse thin clients bootstrapped together.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I read a lot. LOL I might not understand it all, but I read TBs of articles and stuff.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

automate stuff in my homelab.

Love me some homelab automation. It puts a smile on my face when I get a little ding from telegram giving me a summary of this morning's email, what the weather will be for the day along with a summary of established connections to my servers 'cause I'm paranoid like that. LOL fun stuff

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

I'm sure everyone is aware of the 'Awesome' lists on Github. There are loads of them, which makes keeping up with new apps a chore.

I came across this site that does that very thing:

I didn't know if anybody would find it as useful as I do. I have it in my FreshRSS reader.

ISO Selfhost (
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by to c/

I've been into computers since around the mid 70s. First one was an Altair 8000. I have been selfhosting for years now, self taught and helped along of course by the selfhosting communities.

Not to speak bad of the dead, but I've really had it up to my back teeth with their bullshit. So I am in search of some self hosting brethren to chum around with. I figured I'd give Lemmy a try. It's kind of confusing, but hopefully I can wrap my 70 year old head around it.

I've seen a few selfhost forum around the fediverse but they all seem to have been abandoned with threads a year or more old, and no movement. So my question, is there a thriving selfhost/homelab type place that is active? Perhaps one of you good souls could point me in the right direction.

Is there any benefit to hosting your own Lemmy and mesh it with the other Lemmey's out there? What benefit would that be? From what I understand, hosting your own instance turns out to just be your own personal blog.

I mean, I understand the fediverse, and decentralization, I'm just having a bit of difficulty getting in with the right, active, group.


ETA: Thank you for the very warm welcome. Hopefully I will be turtley enough for the turtle club.

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