This exists but doesn't do the streaming part:
The idea is that you (or a friend ideally) have a private key on your computer at home, and your recorded video is encrypted with the public key so that if you lose your phone or it gets into the hands of an adversary, they can't decrypt the files. You won't have them either though, unlike the ACLU app.
I think the use case is more situations where you want video of something cool, but where the raw footage would put people in danger if it got into the wrong hands. Like blurring or cutting stuff out before you release it
Gonna have to anti-recommend tuxedo unfortunately. Never had a "Linux" laptop before and never had any issues, but two of the newest Infinitybooks have a number of issues with fan control, clock sometimes stuck at 800MHz, weird-ass Ethernet NIC with no upstreamed drivers and so on. It's like a trip to 15 years ago in terms of weird little issues popping up every now and the .
The tuxedo kernel modules are a mess and not currently upstreamable, their interfaces are inconsistent across lineups/generations which they solve by building a unified Electron monstrosity "control center" on top.
The idea is nice but any mainstream manufacturer works pretty well these days, and the Schenker laptops with tuxedo software not up to par :/