
joined 3 months ago
[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 3 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Oh wow I completely forgot lol

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

i kinda want to upload all my shitposts gallery on PeerTube but i can't even find a single instance that is open for registration lol

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Let me give you my opinion, specifically as a React developer, if you don't mind.

And let's be clear: I intend this to be a constructive criticism. I hope you understand and don't take it the wrong way.

To be honest, I don't know how good or bad federating one-way is. This is more of a "people" problem rather than a technical problem.

But, to be honest, what I am bothered by, is the fact that the website doesn't give an attribution in the UI about which instance certain users are from and which instance certain certain community are from.

Take a look at this post: https://clubsall.com/posts/theyre-trying-to-charge-luigi-with-terrorism-imagine-that-qfF82

The UI says that the post was posted by u[slash]BytesOnBikes. If I didn't know better, I'd have assumed this was from a user from clubsall. But if you click the username, you realize that the link says u[slash]BytesOnBikes[at]slrpnk.net. I think this would be confusing as a user. What if there is the same user under the username BytesOnBikes from clubsall? At least if you include the instance name, user would know right away that both users are different. But if you didn't include the instance name, I feel like this can be abused to impersonate user. This is a bad thing to happen to your website, don't you agree?

Now that we both understand that lack of attribution is a bad thing to clubsall... What's stopping you from adding an instance name to the username? I'm sure the app has a way to know which instance certain users are from. From what I gather, I feel like this is as easy as appending a string in the code.

I haven't even talked about the community name on the UI. Or the ethicality of misleading attribution.

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The things redditors mentioned are very good already. Primarily screenshots. Please, please always add screenshots to let me have a general idea of the UI.

I've read this mentioned many times. Is it really that bad XD

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago

Syncthing is one of the best software I used. I use it to sync my notes.

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

separate the data-directory from the appdata-directory

Would you mind explaining more about this?

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

To me, good documentation is the number one thing that makes a selfhostable application good.

I agree. If you don't mind: what are your qualifications for good documentation? Do you have some good examples of good docs?

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago

A lot of stuff tend to end up trying to be too easy and you can’t scale up, or stuff so unbelievably complicated you can’t scale it down.

I see, it's probably good to have some balance between those. Noted

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 6 points 2 months ago (9 children)

No, I don’t want a second container for a database.

Unless you're talking about using SQLite:

Isn't the point of Docker container is to only have one software/process running? I'm sure you can use something like s6 or other lightweight supervisor, but I feel like that's seems counterintuitive?

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Shout out to Australians for making good music (King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard, Flume, and more).

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago

Crumb is GOAT

Locket is my favorite EP from them

[–] hono4kami@slrpnk.net 7 points 2 months ago

In FY24, Amtrak achieved the following key results:

  • Ridership: 32.8 million customer trips, a 15% increase over FY23
  • Ticket Revenue: 2.5 billion USD, marking a 9% increase year-over-year and the highest in Amtrak’s history
  • Total Operating Revenue: 3.6 billion USD, a 7% rise from FY23
  • Adjusted Operating Earnings: A 9% improvement to -705.2 million USD
  • Service Expansion: One new train service was launched, with four additional routes expanded

Photo taken by me

This bus stop is one of the major stops in Transjakarta network--arguably the biggest BRT (bus rapid transit) in the world.

On the top of the bus stop there's a commercial area and a viewing deck, where you can see amazing view of Selamat Datang Monument, visible in the photo.

To access the viewing deck and the commerce area, you need to go through the ticket gate. This way you can familiarize and attracts people to use Transjakarta.

If you didn't know, Jakarta is the most populated province in the most populated island in the earth, Java Island. This fact, combined with the very lack of public transportation, making it has one of the worst car traffic in the world. So much so that Indonesia's government decided to move its capital to Nusantara, Borneo Island, to reduce centralization on Java Island.

That doesn't make it Jakarta stop being developed, many people get this part wrong.

Just last year, 2023, Jakarta got another addition of public transportation named LRT Jabodetabek, serving from Central of Jakarta to outskirts of Jakarta--Bekasi and (almost) Bogor. In addition to that, working together with CRRC from China, Indonesia launched Whoosh, the first high-speed railway in the Southeast Asia and in the southern hemisphere, connecting Jakarta to Bandung, another big city in West Java.

There are also many public transportation projects in the work, such as MRT Jakarta phase 2, continuing from Bundaran HI to Kota Tua, Jakarta's old town located in Northern Jakarta. There is also LRT Jakarta phase 1B (not to be confused with LRT Jabodebek, easy mistake to make) connecting the LRT Jakarta to the rest of Jakarta's transportation network. INKA, working together with Nippon Sharyo, I heard is making trainsets for regional railways. CRRC (China) also making another too.

Honestly, as a Jakartan, this gives me a hope to the city. What was once a car-centric city could be city that are friendly for everyone. The roads towards that is gonna be shaky and it's gonna take a while, but in the end it's gonna be worth it.

Thank you for reading, sorry for posting lots of Jakarta in the slrpnk.net--I previously complained that the whole Fediverse feels very centralized on USA. I though I was gonna give a shot on exposing my ~~invisible giant~~ country.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/16046797

September 11, 2023

Transjakarta is eyeing to operate 50 percent electric buses by 2027.

Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono previously set a target of adding 400 electric buses by 2025. In 2023, at least 190 more electric buses will be in operation to improve the city's air quality, bringing the total to 220.

Apart from Transjakarta electric buses, the city administration is also keen to open more Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in South Jakarta and Central Jakarta as these two areas have a lot of offices, schools, and other activity centers.

This is actually pretty old news. The latest news is that TransJakarta actually just added 200 units of EV buses (I can't find any news about this from English publication sadly) [1]. Making the total EV buses in operation 300 units.

As a context, there are two kinds of TransJakarta buses: high-deck/BRT and low-deck/non-BRT. Previously, TransJakarta added low-deck buses in Jakarta back in 2022. This year they are planning to add the high-deck version of EV buses for the first time. As far as I know, the new buses will be in operation just in time on christmas this year.

[1] https://finance.detik.com/infrastruktur/d-7679606/transjakarta-resmi-tambah-200-unit-bus-listrik (Indonesian source)


September 11, 2023

Transjakarta is eyeing to operate 50 percent electric buses by 2027.

Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono previously set a target of adding 400 electric buses by 2025. In 2023, at least 190 more electric buses will be in operation to improve the city's air quality, bringing the total to 220.

Apart from Transjakarta electric buses, the city administration is also keen to open more Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in South Jakarta and Central Jakarta as these two areas have a lot of offices, schools, and other activity centers.

This is actually pretty old news. The latest news is that TransJakarta actually just added 200 units of EV buses (I can't find any news about this from English publication sadly) [1]. Making the total EV buses in operation 300 units.

As a context, there are two kinds of TransJakarta buses: high-deck/BRT and low-deck/non-BRT. Previously, TransJakarta added low-deck buses in Jakarta back in 2022. This year they are planning to add the high-deck version of EV buses for the first time. As far as I know, the new buses will be in operation just in time on christmas this year.

[1] https://finance.detik.com/infrastruktur/d-7679606/transjakarta-resmi-tambah-200-unit-bus-listrik (Indonesian source)


If you are interested on becoming a moderator here, feel free to send me a DM

To dos:

  • [ ] Write community description
  • [ ] Write community rules
  • [ ] Write related communities in sidebar
  • [ ] Look for moderators

Pictured: Wuling Binguo EV, one of the EV car I most often see in Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia. I also am beginning to see BYD EV cars in Jakarta too

By Andra Febrian - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145229895

As an Indonesian, I am kinda surprised to see at least like one or two EV each day in Jakarta and Surabaya, especially when EVs here are still considered expensive cars.

I am also surprised seeing more EVs than hybrid cars here


The election, the CEO murder, etc.

And when I tried to say something about it, I get downvoted, and get replies that I am a bootlicker or something etc.

Oh yeah, also, Lemmy discussion is very one-sided and lacks nuance.

I have more things to say, but I prefer sleeping. That's all

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by hono4kami@slrpnk.net to c/energy@slrpnk.net

illustration of Thorcon 500 prototype power plant at Kelasa Island, Indonesia

The plan for introducing liquid fission power to Indonesia has two parts. Phase 1 is to build and test a 500 MW Thorcon 500, with step by step commissioning, ending in an approved type license for future power plants. Phase 2 is shipyard production of six Thorcon 500 plants to help Indonesia’s utility company provide an additional 3 GW of cheap, reliable electric power to support economic development.

The conceptual design phase has been completed, computationally modeled, expressed in 2D drawings and 3D CAD models, and shared with potential suppliers. Suppliers’ cost estimates for future production versions are compatible with company estimates of electricity production costs, well under those from coal-fired power plants.

The 500 MW power plant will be built in a world-class shipyard experienced in high-quality, cost-competitive steel-working. ThorCon will rely on the yard for detailed design outside the Can, production scheduling, and much of the equipment purchasing functions. The shipyard will be ThorCon’s EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contractor. The expensive, massive, precision supercritical steam turbine-generator must be pre-ordered to achieve the one-year shipyard build time.

The shipyard will construct and outfit the two hulls that comprise the Thorcon power plant. These are the steam module containing the supercritical steam turbine generator, and the nuclear module with two power modules, each with two replaceable Cans. The nuclear reactor Pots are in the Cans, which will be fabricated by companies with nuclear industry experience.

Non-fission testing. The first nuclear module produced by the shipyard will be outfitted with a Can for nonfission testing, without enriched uranium in the fuel salt. Electrically powered resistance heaters are sized to heat components up to operating temperatures.

The fuel salt will not contain enriched uranium and will not sustain a chain reaction to generate power. The components will be brought up to operating temperatures using electric heating. The absence of radioactivity allows intrusive instrumentation, direct observation, and internal access to components.

Extensive testing will include operating pumps at full temperatures and pressures, drains to drain tanks, actuation of shutdown rods, and instrumentation. Motors, pumps, seals, and valves for molten salt flows will be tested. Engineers will measure thermal expansion, confirm heat transfer rates, verify thermal hydraulics characteristics, test sensors, transfer molten salts between the Pot and fuel casks. System responses to simulated failures will be monitored closely.

If testing reveals needs for changes, the nuclear module and/or Can will be returned and revised by their manufacturers. Thorcon 500 prototype power plant at Kelasa Island, Indonesia

Fission testing. The ThorCon 500 nuclear module and steam module will be towed to the Indonesia near-shore site prepared with breakwaters and seawater cooling piping and a connection to the PLN electric power grid.

Step-by-step commissioning will then be used to gradually reduce uncertainties and increase fission power levels. Working closely with Indonesia’s nuclear regulator (Bapeten) and expert test approvals committee (TAP), ThorCon engineers will proceed with step by step commissioning, fueling the plant, bringing the reactor to zero-power criticality, then increasing power levels as testing confirms safe, effective power generation.

Stress tests. ThorCon is designed to react safely to many operational events and failures. Demonstrating safety is important to public acceptance of fission power. Test examples include sudden loss of load, overheating the fuelsalt, losing chimney radiator cooling, and failure of shutdown rods. These tests are possible because of multiple layers of defense in the design. The TAP must pre-approve all such tests, continuing the step by step commissioning process.

Mass production. When testing is successfully completed, the company expects Indonesia’s Bapeten regulator to refine its regulations and issue a type license citing the design as safe for similar future power plants. Indonesia’s PLN utility company will sign a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Thorcon, which will build, install, and operate 3 GW of additional Thorcon 500 power plants. The PPA will enable financing with traditional loans. As these plants are put into operation the company expects world-wide orders for such shipyard-constructed power plants that deliver nonstop electric energy cheaper than coal.

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