Photo taken by me
This bus stop is one of the major stops in Transjakarta network--arguably the biggest BRT (bus rapid transit) in the world.
On the top of the bus stop there's a commercial area and a viewing deck, where you can see amazing view of Selamat Datang Monument, visible in the photo.
To access the viewing deck and the commerce area, you need to go through the ticket gate. This way you can familiarize and attracts people to use Transjakarta.
If you didn't know, Jakarta is the most populated province in the most populated island in the earth, Java Island. This fact, combined with the very lack of public transportation, making it has one of the worst car traffic in the world. So much so that Indonesia's government decided to move its capital to Nusantara, Borneo Island, to reduce centralization on Java Island.
That doesn't make it Jakarta stop being developed, many people get this part wrong.
Just last year, 2023, Jakarta got another addition of public transportation named LRT Jabodetabek, serving from Central of Jakarta to outskirts of Jakarta--Bekasi and (almost) Bogor. In addition to that, working together with CRRC from China, Indonesia launched Whoosh, the first high-speed railway in the Southeast Asia and in the southern hemisphere, connecting Jakarta to Bandung, another big city in West Java.
There are also many public transportation projects in the work, such as MRT Jakarta phase 2, continuing from Bundaran HI to Kota Tua, Jakarta's old town located in Northern Jakarta. There is also LRT Jakarta phase 1B (not to be confused with LRT Jabodebek, easy mistake to make) connecting the LRT Jakarta to the rest of Jakarta's transportation network. INKA, working together with Nippon Sharyo, I heard is making trainsets for regional railways. CRRC (China) also making another too.
Honestly, as a Jakartan, this gives me a hope to the city. What was once a car-centric city could be city that are friendly for everyone. The roads towards that is gonna be shaky and it's gonna take a while, but in the end it's gonna be worth it.
Thank you for reading, sorry for posting lots of Jakarta in the previously complained that the whole Fediverse feels very centralized on USA. I though I was gonna give a shot on exposing my ~~invisible giant~~ country.

Oh wow I completely forgot lol