
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Is youtube cracking down on gun channels or something? Wouldnt shock me.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Looks like their attempt at a video streaming app, separate from youtube.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The icon is also “different”. One has the Microsoft teams logo in white on a purple background, the other has the Microsoft teams logo in purple on a white background (forgot which and which)

They do the same thing with PowerBI. THe cloud version is one icon, the PowerBI for Reports Server (aka locally hosted) is for the on-prem version. Pretty annoying.

I work with Teams (Business version) daily. Have never even seen the other one.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

While this account is an alt, I still interact with beehaw daily, including posting etc.

That said I, too, have tempered my activity. To put it bluntly, largely because of the news and politics posts. I have seen where even mods are calling anything right of european left "far right" and extremists.

I am not particularly left leaning, but it entirely depends on the topic. On many social topics I lean left, on other things, im quite moderate. On fiscal stuff Im either moderate or right. But calling sources like far right extremist trash (See the post about young men leaning right), or anything remotely libertarian (which in its own is a spectrum of people) far right doesnt jive with me. I find it antithetical to the principles here. Its done in a perjorative way and one thats clearly not meant to encourage conversation or discussion.

So in a way, Beehaw is not as inclusive as they really want to profess or open to discussion or others opinions (if they are the wrong ones). And rather than getting cajoled or even have mods ban me I have simply pulled back.

Finally I have also seen some communities (and here again Ill point out news@beehaw or politics@beehaw) suddenly having moderation tactics that are HYPER focused (ie: US politics only, but not something that is used as a political football, or US News only) And frankly theres not the scale or participation ot have UK NEws, Canada News, US News Europe News etc.

Couple that with point 1 and again, I have just kind of pulled back a bit

Heres the rub though. If thats what Beehaw wants, Im all for it. Its their call. I am one that doesnt mind having my views challenged if its done in good faith and in a respectful way. That is waht I came to beehaw hoping to get. But it does seem that the mob mentality is taking root and the "us vs them" stuff hasnt been shaken.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Heres another article that popped up in my feeds on the same event with a bit more detail too>

A Pulsar With Planets (