yeah this one is a bit less newbie-friendly, but overall I think it can be done. The mysterious magic stuff isn't that different from the stuff at the end of Tress. The biggest issues are all the Stormlight references that never get explained because.
I'm actually so excited for this. I got my copy of The Lost Stories yesterday and next May for short story month we're gonna read it in book club. This just feels so special.
I never saw this post, sorry. Yes, totally within the rules :)
Just finished the Mage Errant series and now I am reading Song of Silver Flame like Night. Mage Errant was light and fun, this new one feels more involved, but the prose is beautiful and I am enjoying it so far a lot.
I'm actually not sure we have any information on this. A feruchemist sort of requires a metalmind, and I am not entirely sure they can substitute other Investiture as a metalmind or not. This is a really interesting question and perhaps it should be brought up to Brandon at the next spoiler stream or livestream Q&A.
Thanks for sharing this, I've cross-posted it to our notice board community Hawker's Alley, where sales and promotions can be posted :D
We have a Discworld community here as well, it's just taking a bit to get it going. Our instance is trying to be a collective home for anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy related :)
If you haven't read it yet, Murderbot Diaries is fun Sci-Fi. Short, quick reads but very tight pacing and storytelling and a wonderful main POV character (it's told in first-person).
Oh Reaper was really nice, you have some great stuff coming up in the next books. I finished Cradle this summer and it was SO good. Very satisfying finish.
I'm still on my first go-through of Discworld. I've read City Watch, a few standalones and am on the Witches books now. Next up is Maskerade.
If you decide to we can make one for you here and hand it over to you to mod/lead :) A gaming community would be a great addition.
It absolutely counts :D Not all fantasy is just books :)
We are still pretty new, but we're trying :D
This stream includes a new Interlude reading from SA5!!!