If your group can't take a joke, your group is a joke. Especially if it is abusive imaginary parent who according to you does everything that is wrong with the world in order to "build character" and overall rules through fear only.
I tried using the fedora disk image tool on windows11 and it bricked my usb stick despite it seemingly completing all fine. A lesser known disc image tool worked well. Most likely not conspiracy but with Microsoft and Intel colluding to ensure Intels dominance makes me suspicious.
I'm ex soviet living in a country where all the things you want are reality. And where those violent ones you don't want were a reality. Only the latter part is being mostly idealized. There is as much normalization of violence going on in the left meme circles as there are in the right ones and I don't get why it's okay to be a faschist casually calling for mass murder of undesireables as long as the symbol on the red flag is yellow. Americans have always been completely out of touch with the world but this is getting a bit too much.
I mean if the game you paid money for is deliberately broken to shaft you, you are a clown for reviewing the game positively. Judging by the complaints of every game with linux-breaking anti cheat, it has failed to remove any of the cheaters.
I have my index working on fedora with minimal issues but vrwebhelper causes massive lag, crashes and once turned off I have jitter every time I turn my head. It is close but no cookie.
Ahh the usa. Where if you are at the mercy of the courts who descided that multible federal offenses and attempted coup are A-OK since you can't prosecute someone in power.
Communism proved that in death camps you are guranteed work until the day you die.
It's just typical americans thinking every democracy is run like their little dystopia.
You borrow money from the country who takes it from every taxable entity in it so that everybody can get educated, become less of a burden for the social system, improve the lives of everyone on the country and not make dumb posts on the internet.
I've hated what ubisoft has done to gaming ever since the fc3. Only shining beacons were early siege and rayman games. They have incredible artists and programmers working at it and could make some great games but the directors completely double down on the most generic, most mindeless wide appeal possible. I regret buying wildlands because the setting is unique. The game is as tactical as far cry which is just mindleslly run into camp, use your overpowered character against deaf and dumb enemies and complete the collectable.