Twitch doesn't allow porn.
You just gotta send an email with videos and pictures of you having a wank that only say "This won't stop until I can watch porn freely again" .
Just the headline so I can ensure I misinterpret the context fully when drunkenly ranting at my mates about it.
Have you tried yelling " WHOOP WHOOP" at it?
Jimmy will win that one.
Be awkward by not talking, they can't hold your words against you if you don't say any words.
The mums death scene will have a nice calm music piece that slowly ramps up into a single ringing tone, getting more intense cutting between Bambi and his mum and close up shots of a gun and bits of the hunter, then just as the the music hits an intense the gun fires and its dead silence until the bullet pierces Bambi's mums skull then its utter chaotic screams and sharp loud music, the title card is then made out of Bambi's mums pooling blood.
That government had the intelligence to see they needed to listen to someone smarter than them and gave Not Sure the freedom to do it how ever needed, even if it was something as ridiculous as water from the toilet. Brought to you by Carl's Jr.
You're not supposed to report actual news Onion!
He's the cat you meet halfway through the movie that reluctantly joins your group because they were already on their own secret mission to find their father who ends up being the main villain of the story.