
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

There is a plugin called gpgCrypt that might do full vault encryption (no idea how well it works) but it does mention that Obsidian's cache of notes will still be unencrypted on disk.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Not that I know of. Obsidian sync between multiple devices is end-to-end encrypted but it all ends up unencrypted on device. Some plugins let you encrypt sensitive information/notes (Meld Encrypt) - I haven't used it in some time but when I did it was a little finicky.

Some other options:

  • Use disk encryption on your devices.
  • Install a Linux distro in a virtual machine with encrypted home partition exclusively for running Obsidian. (It's like electron except you're bundling an operating system)
  • Use android work mode/insular to isolate Obsidian's files from other apps.
[–] 1 points 11 months ago

I was going to ask if it's only on the commercial wordpress offering but nope turns out they've put it out a plugin.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Good riddance. I can't stand voice assistants. Obviously they're useful for some folks but if I don't want to use them they shouldn't be running on my system at all. I don't want Bixby, I don't want Xbox Gamebar, I don't want Ok Google, I don't want Edge... it's just endlessly tedious that these companies push an update through and dark pattern their way into getting it running on your system or straight up don't ask you.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

You can also do this with any theme if you setup a CSS Snippet:

// This is the one that works for me
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-scroller {
    font-family: monospace;

// You may also want to do this one
.markdown-source-view {
    font-family: monospace;

Then reading view will use whatever font you've configured in the settings.


Hi all,

Discovered that I could embed images into dataview and have been changing up a bunch of my index pages excitedly.

It works great with my gear list:

> [!tip] Gear list
> ```dataview
>regexreplace(file.folder, ".*\/([^\/]+)$", "$1") AS "Department",
> shows AS "Shows",
>embed(link(image, "125")) AS Image
> FROM "Knowledgebase/Video Production/On-Set/Equipment"
> sort file.mday desc
> ```

At the top of each 'Equipment' note I have the variables:

category:: Lighting
shows:: [[Show Name 1]],[[Show Name 2]]
image:: [[MoonLite by LumenRadio-1689061964287.jpeg]]

That works entirely as expected - I get a snazzy list of images down the dataview for each item.

However, it doesn't work in this dataview, which is slightly different in the sense that it groups by 'type' - but even without the group-by clause it doesn't work:

> [!Example] Devices
> ```dataview
> AS "Title",
> embed(link(rows.file.image, "250")) AS Image
> FROM "Journal/Entities/Devices"
> WHERE type
> GROUP BY type
> SORT type DESC
> ```

With these notes having these variables:

type:: Server
image:: [[Pasted image 20221026215500.png]]

I thought 'rows.file.image' is how I'd access the image this time around, but unfortunately not.

This works, but not when I try to group them and bring in information using rows.file.

> [!Example] Devices
> ```dataview
> embed(link(image, "250")) AS Image
> FROM "Journal/Entities/Devices"
> WHERE type
> SORT type DESC
> ```

Any thoughts?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

My main concern now though is that there's a single point of failure for my mental well being. I'm reaally gonna need to keep backups because it's not just my 'second brain' I think most of my actual brain is in there at this point.