
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I can recommend so many! 😂 when you're caught up feel free to send me a message again either here or on my tumblr @cosmereplay and I can narrow down some recs for you!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes!! There's also a great fic with that premise, with the darker consequences of radiant healing when it's not safe to be out yet. An Edgedancer's Tale by Susanoko

And if you're interested in any other Stormlight fics with trans themes I gotchu. Lift and Kaladin are fan favourites but I also know of mtf!Elhokar and enby!Adolin off the top of my head.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is one of my favourite Kaladin and Syl pieces of all time. It's absolutely gorgeous!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I love this piece it's so cute!


(Art by tumblr user stormlight-archive)

Yuri before destination!

Hey cosmere fandom! Do you love our wonderful cast of female characters? Wish there was more fic of them loving each other? Want to contribute a fic, and get a mystery gift fic in return? 👀

Here's the plan:

  1. Fill out the signup form here. You’ll be asked to provide information on what you'd like to write as a gift, what you’d like your gifter to write for you, and a few other details to help us assign you a gifter and giftee. Signups will be open for submissions through August 20th.

  2. We’ll reach out to you by August 26th with your assigned giftee, along with their submitted gift preferences to help guide your writing. The goal is to keep gifters/giftees secret during the writing, but we’ll keep communication open if you’d like to reach out through us to ask your giftee any additional questions about their preferences.

  3. You’ll have until September 26th (Bi Shallan Day!) to write a femslash fic for your giftee—all we’re asking for is a short fic (think a few hundred words) but you can write more if you’d like! On September 26th we’ll all reveal our gifts and giftees. It’ll be a big sapphic party! (arguably the best kind 😎)

And that’s it! If you have any other questions, our DMs and askbox are open over at Gal Palanaeum (on desktop or the tumblr app)