
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Wouldn’t that be known as a land contract?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I’m not bothering to dig it back up, but I thought I remember something like it was based on a policy when a verified user changes their logo. The verification was put back once reverified. Stupid, yes, but if policy it makes more sense.

I’m not big on defending Xitter, but IF this is uniformly handled, this is the least of our reasons to get torches and pitchforks after them.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

To stay away from the influence of google’s business practices and their influence on chromium.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

If that’s the case foxnews would like cut out most of the challenge. I’m not old enough to have adult children yet but I still have a hard time grasping news channels are entertainment venues.

News used to be actual news done by reporters. It had credibility and a degree of respect. This shift has been near impossible for my parents generation

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Not sure if it would meet your requirements, but if specific enough to your phones current control capabilities; would a shortcut or automation app meet your needs. I seem to remember them being able to prompt for input. It might be a more COTS approach for you depending on your needs.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It wasn’t terribly clear, but the paperwork sounded pretty flimsy at best. While I like the thought the company shouldn’t install a back door, but I’d bet they all pretty much have one.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

A safe company gives access to a customer’s safe without a court order? You had one job to do, and it was basically done… this seems bad for business, maybe if they’re publicly traded the stakeholders should take action against current leadership.

Please note my comments are completely separate from whoever happens to be the owner of the safe. That shouldn’t be relevant at all.

I believe the same standard should be held for customer data as well. Why wouldn’t there be an expectation that purchasing a safe is basically a zero trust platform. If it breaks or I lose my combo/key, I’ll need a locksmith to “break” in.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think Qwant is as close as you’re going to get unless you can set up searchxng to do what you are asking.

Now, you might be able to get better diversity in results if you use a vpn to move to more diverse or contrasting cities.

I often find news sources external to the US to be very interesting insights to what we see rammed down our throats.


I've moved almost completely to Proton Mail. I expect I'll end up keeping a Google or Outlook account, not for use as a primary account, but as a recovery account or to access other services.

I currently see a lot less value in the google account than outlook, but that's because my family does need access to full blown office. Libre office does 98% of what I need, but on occasion I do need office. An install of 2010 would probably meet that requirement as well. Firefox is set to delete cookies on exit, and I do not ever stay signed into these services.

Does anyone else keep free service email accounts around, and if so, what do you use them for? What's the pit-fall I'm not seeing if I try to restrict them and treat them with the Principle of Least Privileged model?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Unless you really need/want browser only, you might get away with any “lightweight” distro depending on the specs of the machine.

I assume you’re trying to install on something like a Chromebook. This might get you in the right direction.

It would have a lot more functionality too.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Qwant and kagi have been a great pair. Brave search was good, but they had some controversy a bit back.

[–] 49 points 1 year ago

I didn’t click the link, it felt scammy. Did I pass?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I’m with you. I’m a seasoned newbie, and I’m ok with config as long as I can find something to help me get through it where I’m. It completely lost and the guide isn’t 30 pages of gibberish that only makes sense to someone helping build and maintain the source/branch.

I do love the familiarity of a gui as it lets me be “lazy”.

That said I started on Ubuntu, didn’t really like gnome, tried kububtu, was meh on it. Then got to dislike cannological. I’m currently using mint, and have tried several distros as a vm. Fedora and Debian are 2 I’m trying to understand better.

That said arch and gentoo both seem like distros beyond my skill set, and I think I’d struggle with them as I don’t feel like the communities align with my needs. I feel like I should get better at stripping out what I don’t need in my distro before I start bare and build up finding only what I need.

The cool part of Linux is it’s kinda hard to go wrong with the choice as a platform. Picking the distro has been a harder choice to find what community aligns to my needs. So virtualbox, ‘kinda’ to the rescue.


Whatever your situation may be happy casual Monday to those lucky enough to partake.

For everyone else, your time is coming... Soon! :-)

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