Paradoxically he ended up in a sort of care facility. Some "care" but maybe not the care he needed
I was expecting "universe" to include things as hyperbolic, spherical, elliptical, and toroid surfaces...
On the other hand the christians that are ashamed of this are not doing enough to show their disapproval
He has a good point as this monoculture of systems and models would very greatly amplify any market imbalance and defects, at a speed human bank managers would only realize when getting notified of their impending bankruptcy
4Gb is not much under Windows 11 and running Chrome
Except it is considered "unamerican" for government to help people, and tue generosity of billionaires is hoped for instead
The one good thing about this trial is that America is realizing how chronically inadequate its laws are for expecting people in political office (or campaigning for) to behave within the law. Everyone is human and bound to abuse and the law should set clear boundaries to prevent that abuse.
oh, that looks like ascites... hope he can recover, cancer is shit
.... about fucking time?
But all politicians are equally at fault for not leglislating to ensure workers have livable salaries and encouraging the "outsourcing" thing that moved jobs overseas so people could buy cheaper Walmart stuff.
I guess both given the massive scale of the business and its massive impacts on the whole economy is reasonable
This is amazing