“I always say Al Capone was treated better than I was treated.”
Sounds fair to me, Al Capone was just a gangster, this fuckhead is trying to start the fourth reich
“I always say Al Capone was treated better than I was treated.”
Sounds fair to me, Al Capone was just a gangster, this fuckhead is trying to start the fourth reich
It was AI in the grassy knoll
I think this is what they're looking for
Yep, this'll do nothing but end of in the pockets of a few very carefully selected funding applicants
The UK actually agreed to shoot itself in the face with Brexit to keep those tax loopholes
Rat face and melon head are just a few of the vermin in the Tories, yet the UK public gobble their shit up regardless
Fox would be on this for ~~weeks~~ever.
Ah, but what about ~~the economy~~ rich peoples yacht money
Shame Kirst seems to be a bit of a dick
Novoselic describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist socialist moderate I-don't know”. He has campaigned for political reform. In the 2016 election, he supported Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
Well, what I seen this image as was the classic divide and conquer strategy of the capitalist classes against the working class and/or arbitrary race category to enable them to control and/or murder at will.
However, this image is actually a complete gas lighting exercise in using toxic characteristics from capitalism to describe communism. I didn't notice the hammer and sickle, which to be fair makes no fucking sense...
The relevance to the above post was really trying to play on
"The Production of too many useful things results in too many useless people"
which I take as a satirical poke at the deficiencies of capitalism, although it's of unknown origin as far as I know..
If automation does reach a point where labour isn't needed, then it may well encourage the likes of Murdoch et al to intensify the encouragement of class war.
Sorry, I clearly don't pay enough attention to the shit I post :(
You mentioned Cameron seeming to be a bit limp in opposing it and actually campaigning on it originally. Some interesting context