
joined 1 year ago

Maybe there are some of those people. I still doubt they (or anyone voting for him) is going to be swayed by his use of the N-word.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Well, they are going to have to do everything perfectly. One screw up of any kind and for the next ten years every discussion of diversity or women in leadership positions is going to include a Republican saying, "Yeah, well just look at what they did to St. Paul."

My rage wouldn't let me finish the article. Fuck these fuckers, fuck everyone who votes for these fuckers, and fuck everyone who keeps trying to tell me we should just try to "understand" how Republicans got to where they are.

Never heard of them before myself. If we assume for the moment that they have accurately portrayed themselves on their website:

The American Iron Front is a network of Americans participating in direct action to counter the fascist and anti-democracy agenda perpetuated by groups and individuals in the United States. This agenda is being perpetuated by mainstream parties and fringe groups alike through misinformation, pseudo-patriotism, and weaponization of the law to disenfranchise voters, women, minorities, and those that oppose their bigoted agenda. They are actively recruiting in the cities and towns of America and radicalizing recruits online.

Our goal is to stand as a direct counterpoint to the nationalism of the alt-right and its corruption of American values by building solidarity, unity, and common defense of the Constitution.

Edit: Based on imagery alone (see wikipedia page), I would guess the organization is inspired by this:

The Iron Front (German: Eiserne Front) was a German paramilitary organization in the Weimar Republic which consisted of social democrats, trade unionists, and democratic socialists. Its main goal was to defend democratic socialism and liberal democracy against totalitarian ideologies on the far-right and far-left. The Iron Front chiefly opposed the Sturmabteilung (SA) wing of the Nazi Party and the Antifaschistische Aktion wing of the Communist Party of Germany.[1] Formally independent, it was intimately associated with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). The Three Arrows, originally designed for the Iron Front, became a well-known social democratic symbol representing resistance against monarchism, Nazism, and Marxism-Leninism during the parliamentary elections in November 1932. The Three Arrows were later adopted by the SPD itself.[2]

For anyone interested, this podcast miniseries from Robert Evans has a discussion of tactics and ethics from many of the folks who were the main organizers of the Portland protests in 2020. A large number of them are teenagers - to the point where they took steps to hid the kids' identities for the podcast. Not a direct tie to the folks from the article I would guess, but very similar group.

It was a very interesting series, and (unsurprisingly) paints a very different picture of what went on in Portland in 2020 than police and magas try to claim.

As with any such podcast miniseries, this is best listened to in release order.

Hey look, they CAN do something other than bomb the place into rubble and shoot everything that moves.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

As long as they think fascism will only hurt the people they want hurt, they will go right along. By the time they realize their mistake it will be too late.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I am so glad that nothing I do in life will ever cause this problem to matter to me.

The way I was taught in school, the answer is clearly 1, but I did read the blog post and I understand why that's actually ambiguous.

Fortunately, I don't have to care, so will sleep well knowing the answer is 1, and that I'm as correct as anyone else. :-p


The lawsuit argues that the city is violating its own ordinance by not allowing the Office of Police Oversight to access internal disciplinary files of officers.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Good point and probably not, but I'm too lazy to look right now.

Edited to add: Presumably same editorial team, so the seeming dissonance between the two articles isn't lessened much by having different authors.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Same paper that just ran the "Women should stop shunning Trump supporters in their dating pool" article. I guess that's so they'll be less likely to abused under the pending dictatorship?

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Here's an organization that studies and categorizes Coup d'État against a specific set of criteria.

Here is their statement about Jan 06.

That statement provides links to their methodology and dataset, as well as other details.

Here is an excerpt:

The Cline Center’s Coup d’État Project is the world’s largest global registry of failed and successful coups. The Cline Center defines a coup as an “organized effort to effect sudden and irregular (e.g., illegal or extra-legal) removal of the incumbent executive authority of a national government, or to displace the authority of the highest levels of one or more branches of government.” To be categorized as a coup, an event must meet the following criteria (which are detailed at greater length in the Coup d’État Project codebook):

-There must be some person or persons who initiated the coup.

-The target of the coup must have meaningful control over national policy.
-There must be a credible threat to the leaders' hold on power.
-Illegal or irregular means must be used to seize, remove, or render powerless the target of the coup.
-It must be an organized effort.


Using the Cline Center’s Coup d’État Project definitions, the storming of the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was an attempted coup d’état: an organized, illegal attempt to intervene in the presidential transition by displacing the power of the Congress to certify the election. In terms of the type of coup attempt, the complex nature of this event leads it to be categorized as both an attempted auto-coup and as an attempted dissident coup, reflecting the separate activities of distinctive actors involved in the event.

I'd say it was uncomfortably close to reality.

A video of a former West Point psychology professor who trains police officers using his expertise on what he calls “killology” resurfaced on Reddit on Thursday. The former army ranger said that officers have “the best sex” after killing other human beings, Complex reports.


Like other plaintiffs talked to by THE CITY, Baez said she never filed a formal complaint while she was locked up because she was “scared, alone, and I had no one.”

“I thought people would judge me and say I liked it,” she said, “and that’s why it kept happening.”

While she was in Rikers, she began to believe that’s what God intended to happen to her.

“I started to believe that this is part of my life,” she said, “to be raped and used like a sex slave.”


The last time she’d seen her middle child, Dexter Wade, 37, was on the night of March 5, as he left home with a friend. She reported him missing, and Jackson police told her they’d been unable to find him, she said.

It wasn’t until 172 excruciating days after his disappearance that Bettersten learned the truth: Dexter had been killed less than an hour after he’d left home, struck by a Jackson police car as he crossed a nearby interstate highway. Police had known Dexter’s name, and hers, but failed to contact her, instead letting his body go unclaimed for months in the county morgue.

Now it was early October, and Bettersten had finally been told where she could find her son.

They bounced down the road and curved into the woods, crawling past clearings where rows of small signs jutted from the earth, each marked with a number.


“Listen to Elijah’s words,” prosecutor Jonathan Bunge said as police body camera video was played. “When Elijah is on the ground handcuffed, he’s saying over and over and over again, ‘I can’t breathe. Please help me.’”

But instead of helping him, Bunge said, Aurora Police Officer Randy Roedema and his former colleague, Jason Rosenblatt, ignored McClain's pleas for help and told arriving paramedics that he had been resisting and had "crazy strength."

Then the paramedics gave McClain a sedative "as he was drifting closer and closer to death," Bunge said in Adams County District Court.


Today’s story is about Philips Hue by Signify. They will soon start forcing accounts on all users and upload user data to their cloud. For now, Signify says you’ll still be able to control your Hue lights locally as you’re currently used to, but we don’t know if this may change in the future. The privacy policy allows them to store the data and share it with partners.

(more in the article)


My understanding is that the imgur thing is imgur's fault, but until the image upload functionality is working I don't really know what the best choice is.


I have never played another FPS that had a mode like this, and it was so damn fun and self-balancing.

Having said that, I don't have the time to game nearly as much as I once did, so I have missed plenty of modern titles, even big ones.

Is there anything still being played that has a mode like this?

From the link, emphasis added:

Nash Werner of GamePro said of the PC version, "With its well-written storyline and thought-provoking missions, SoF's singleplayer will keep you thrilled for hours, and you'll probably be playing the Assassin mode for months.

Edited to describe it: (from memory)

In this mode, it's a lot like Deathmatch mode, except each player is assigned a target. You can only shoot your target or the person who is targeting you. You advance up the rankings by killing your target.

The genius of the mode is that the more you are dominating, the more people will respawn with you as their assigned target. So pro player on the server is going to have essentially every other person on the server trying to kill just them very quickly, while a noob is never going to be targeted by more than one person. If you are having a day where you've really hit your A game, it's very, very satisfying, but it's still fun if you aren't having a great session.

This is happening dynamically throughout the match as people respawn, so it's very fluid, and the balance shifts during the game continuously to keep it fun for everyone.


And it’s based on his “advice of counsel” defense

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