
joined 1 year ago
[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago (1 children)

A lot of people here are bending over backwards to justify the behavior.

They collected money for charity. Didn't donate any of it for YEARS. Money that could have helped funding research.

I don't know US law, but I know that's just wrong.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 5 points 11 months ago


[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 3 points 11 months ago


[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

Ich muss dabei immer an die wiederverwendbaren Obst-Beutel denken, die vor ein paar Jahren im Trend waren. Leider hat sich niemand darüber Gedanken gemacht, dass ich danach durch den Laden gehe und Lebensmittel kaufe, die doppelt oder dreifach in Plastik verpackt sind. Da hilft ein kleines Beutelchen auch nicht viel.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

He is chancellor? Could have fooled me by his inaction on a myriad of topics.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Actually, hexagons are the bestagons

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago

For anyone who.ließ the setting, check out the Anime Spacebattleship Yamato 2199. It's fairly recent and there's an older one as well. This game is highly inspired by it.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

It’s worth noting that the high cost and long lead times are mostly just a US thing, many nations can go from inception to fully complete in three to five years.

I was curious about this claim and checked out the IAEA website and just checked random cointries and found several reactors that have been under construction for way longer.

I have never heard of a power plant or new reactor of an existing plant being build in that time frame. Do you have examples?

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 7 points 11 months ago

I like 90% about KDE, GNOME and XFCE.

Depending in my changing needs and preferences I switch between them.

If I ever find the perfect DE (or maybe WM), I'll let everyone know.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Nur müsste die halt Dinge sagen wie "Wer Schwarzlöhne zahlt wandert ohne Umwege in den Bau" oder "wir erhöhen die Steuern um 100 000 Beamte in den Ausländerbehörden einzustellen".

Es tut mir Leid, aber das sind beides nur populistische Ideen, die die wahren Probleme nicht einmal benennen. Ein paar mehr Menschen ausweisen hilft nur marginal und ob mehr Personal dazu führen würde, stelle ich Mal in Frage.

Die Zahl der Einwanderer reduziert man nicht mit mehr Abschiebung und Strafen. Das ist das Narrativ von Rechts.

Einwanderung reduziert man durch die Verbesserung der Lebensstandard in den Herkunftsländern. Internationale Kooperation und Hilfe.

Kommunen sind überlastet, weil man nach der letzten "Migrationskrise" die Strukturen wieder abgebaut hat, weil man nicht wahrhaben wollte, dass die Ungleichheit in der Welt kein temporäres Phänomen, sondern ein fester Bestandteil unserer Welt ist.

Vor allem ist es unglaublich wie die AfD das Thema Migration groß gemacht hat. Ja, es ist ein Problem. Wenn man es jedoch mit anderen Aufgaben unseres Landes vergleicht, ist es nur eines von vielen und hat bei weitem nicht das Ausmaß das die AfD und die Medien suggerieren. Es geht hier auch um ein Gefühl der Menschen, nicht nur um Fakten.

[–] b9chomps@beehaw.org 9 points 11 months ago

Kristersson has made expanding nuclear power generation a key goal for his right-wing government, after closure of several reactors forced the country to rely more on less predictable renewable energy.

Yes, who knows if we will have any wind or sunshine at all in 2035?

It's much less predictable than the ever changing political landscape in your country or in the few countries that can deliver the necessary nuclear material.

And let's be clear, nuclear projects have taken much longer than planned in several countries. These are just a few little problems, not to speak of long term disposal.

But "the wind and the sun" can't be counted on.


I have used Linux on and off for 15 years. I consider myself a casual user and stuck to the mainstream DEs (mostly KDE, XFCE and some Cinnamon). Gnome has been a hurdle for me before and after the big version 40 changes, I couldn't get my head around how they handled the workspaces and workflow. At some point I I tried out an extension hat changed all of it.

Material Shell

It moves the workspaces to a vertical panel and the programs onto a horizontal panel. In a workspace you can view the programs full screen or tile them.

Several Programs inside a Workspace. It's basically they same way Gnome works. However for some reason it just makes sense in my brain. No idea why. (I'm looking at WMs that work in a similar way atm. Maybe I'll take the plunge away from DEs at some point)

Has such a small change ever saved a Desktop Environment for you and is essential if you ever install it?

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