
joined 1 week ago
[–] 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

wow, this sounds really amazing, it sounds like you are putting a lot of work to create this app. i wish you the best!! and rooting for success >00<

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

a drive connected to my docker box, and if I need it I SCP it to or from that server

if you find time, can you please explain what this means and how do you do this? i am thinking it is something like an external hard drive connected to internet in some way (but i cannot imagine how :( ), and sorry i have no idea what scp is >00< thank you

[–] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

what is your smartphone setup like currently?

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

I am so sick of feeling alike a sales target, and a tool that can be influenced

yes i had the same feelings, like i do not want to be manipulated and influenced, cutting google out will help a lot in that aspect.

dont be hard on yourself for listening to music, and using iphone for maps and travel, i think these are beneficial services for you that provide you value, so i feel it is ok to use them >00<.

i feel like it is not like we have privacy or we do not have it, it is not 0 or 1, there is a whole range of shades of privacy, and all of us can find a sweet spot. wish you the best in your journey <3

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

there was an ubunutu phone in the works some years ago, i do not know what happened to that :/

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

thank you <3

i know but i think apple is the lesser evil since they do not make advertisement their primary business but i dont know. overall i find apple hits a sweet spot for me >00< but maybe someday in the future i will again go back to lineage

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Understood, thanks for taking the time to explain!

I made the exact opposite move xD. I moved from Lineage to iphone since I felt it is a good middle ground for me.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

hahah same here, i open my eyes at like 6-8 am and stay in bed till i feel hungry :D all this automatic intermittent fasting, no wonder i am so thin and sexy >OO<

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

i chat with you on your webpage, but how do i get notification or your replies once i switch off the webpage. there has to be some form of unique identifier of the people you messaging with. idk if that how it works but it seems to make sense no?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

thank you, yes i found it now :D

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

<3 wow it is a big coincidence! i wish your lemmy client app becomes very famous :D is it an ios app? do you want to share the link if it is available for everyone to download?

agreed on cheap MS products. i feel the same too.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

do you know how it compares to Organic Maps as somebody else commented below, in case you have used both. thanks!


long post alert; forgive my mistakes, not a native english speaker, also, this is my first post on Lemmy, I come from Reddit where I deleted my account >0-0<

some years ago, I stumbled upon digital privacy related forums and I started to realize the deep hole I was stuck in.

My digital life was totally reliant on Google and its multiple products: Google Photos, Gmail, Google Chrome, Chrome Passwords, Youtube, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Pay, Google Android, Google Sheets, Google Chat/Hangout, Google Keep, Google Maps, Google Search.

Just writing all these names makes me re-realize how a single advertising company holds so much control on our digital lives.

It has been a long 6 years journey to reach pretty close to complete deGoogling. This journey has been filled with lots of ups and down, philosophical questioning on what digital freedom is and whether it truly is important, and lots of despair also (questions such as "what is the point of it all?" that I am sure many of us ask ourselves).

I am a normal "average" human being whose intention of having digital privacy is to ward off advertising companies, and to not be a pawn in their big money game. My intention and requirement is NOT to become anonymous.

My digital system is as follows now:

Google Android: Used LineageOS for a long time on an OnePlus device. It worked fantastic, zero troubles at all. But when my phone died, I switched to an iPhone to avoid the long term hassle of flashing.

Google Chrome: Firefox with uBlock Origin on Mac. Safari private browsing on iPhone. App Limit of 1 hour per day to reduce my problematic time-consuming browsing habits.

Gmail: iCloud Email for banking/finance. Proton Mail for everything else. All existing emails from Gmail transferred to local folders using Thunderbird, backed up on external hard drive and

Google Photos: Direct transfer from phone to computer in year-month folders, encrypted rclone sync to work OneDrive (multiple TB free space), and regular backups to external hard drive. I am still looking to move away from the rclone encryption (which works perfectly btw) to a more simpler, less complicated, cloud service but I have not finalized on one yet.

Chrome Passwords: KeePass! It is amazing!

Google Drive: Combination of external hard drive, encrypted rclone remote in OneDrive, and

Google Docs: Word documents or text files backed up using encrypted cloud.

Google Sheets: Excel files backed up using encrypted cloud.

Google Chat/Hangout: WhatsApp, Signal. WhatsApp is almost impossible to get rid of despite how clunky and disgusting it has become.

Google Keep: Apple Notes and plain text files.

Google Maps: Use it logged out. Tried OSMand, but it is not as good as G Maps yet.

Google Search: Still use it without loggin in, and sometimes DuckDuckGo.

Youtube: Still use it in private window, without logging in. I use it as if it is Wikipedia. My Youtube usage is very low.

Music: Apple Music.

Hopefully this is helpful to some. Please feel free to provide suggestions and/or ask if you have questions on how I made any of the above transitions; I would be happy to help since I have learned so much from the broader privacy community.

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