
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's been so long man. But damn I had to struggle, and I am at a better place now. Still a student, but I have grown a lot. Bless you for helping me at a vulnerable time. It still hurts sometime, but I know I have made a lot of progress in positive things.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks. I'm feeling much better now but will still reply. I tried not to do those things as I was in a dark place and now have to channel my thoughts in a more productive way.. now focusing on family and development more, kind of forcing it. And it helped me a lot though it's far from a perfect journey. Try reading my other comment replies!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Thank you for the help brother. I recently had a short dream of her where she tried to be lovey dovey to me but I didn't show love, it's kinda weird but I think that says something lol. Also focusing on family:)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thank you for the advice brother. I created as much distance i could, and used to think of contacting her again, but forced myself to stick to my decision. It feels like that part of my brain that once used to pulse with love is now turned off. Although I hadn't felt love in a long time in my relationship either. I focused on myself and did professional and personal development. I'm sure I am on the right path right now!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That first paragraph was a great explanation. Thank you for that perspective there.

It’s kind of weird that first relationships rarely do work out. It’s only the third day now so maybe I should let time do its thing. This will only make me stronger but this does make me afraid of having a relationship in the future! Will not touch any drugs, thanks.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Thanks mate. I'm not heartbroken, but the thing is I HAVE NO FEELINGS AT ALL. If anything I feel glad that I found out she had a bf and blocked her, instead of staying with her not knowing about it. In all honesty. I'm just bored and tired that the relationship occupies my mental resources. There's nothing else to think of when I'm not actively doing something. You're right, it feels like I lost the future and now I'm not sure what it feels like to be single. I'm carrying on with my studies but when I'm not studying or watching youtube I find myself thinking of the relationship and I have to force myself to do something I can't just sit and not be bored.

I used to think of calculus and mathematical problems all the time when i was single, I solved all of those complicated problems by now. Now I have nothing to think of at all. I know this doesn't seem a reply to your post, and thank you for your advice, but the major issue isn't heartbreak anymore - more so the unproductivity and boredom on my head that keeps lingering.

You say getting under someone else helps.. that's a good idea, but how can I find solace in myself at the moment? I don't want to be with someone just because I can't deal with this myself. Thank you.


Hello to my friends from Lemmy, the title may be misleading to some.

Long story short, I was in a relationship for a bit over 2 years and I broke up with her recently. I blocked her everywhere, and initially struggled with not thinking about her and our relationship all the time, but now I find it hard to think. Although I have coped and detached very well, it seems that I have nothing to think of, and if I'm not spending my time on entertainment or studying (e.g. in the car) I resort to thinking about my relationship again. It's been making me really unproductive and I'm not even sure what I was like when I was single.

It's not that I am obsessed with "her" or feeling anything, but I can't focus on nothing - it seems that my mental resources keep running and forcing me to concentrate on something. But I don't want to think of "her" again. The past few days I often thought of "her" sexually romantically or as physically present, but now I often stress about the relationship itself and question all the decisions I may have made in the relationship. I mean I've considered actions and things that happened in my relationship in a productive way but I keep on going back to thinking of those things again (which isn't helpful at all).

Does anyone have advice on how I can sit and focus productively or even neutrally, instead of trying to rethink and overthink a relationship that I've already thought of.

Edit: if you want further info about the relationship itself,