
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I, myself am prepared to do it in winter in an apartment.

My discussion is not on the how, but on how you fail to perceive that not everyone is yourself. Some people are more able, others less, some have a studio apartment, others a farm. Some live paycheck to paycheck others don’t. Some have 6 people in their household others do not :)

One size does not fit all. What is easy for you, might not be for others and vice-versa.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

My roof? It’s hard to burn wood when you don’t have a fireplace. In summer of course we do it outside. But with the density of a city center that means that it’s hard to store enough wood/coal to make meaningful impact on the amount of water you need to boil to cook.

In winter it would be simply counter productive to go outside and be cold to boil rice.

It’s simply easier - and safer - to have water for drinking and food for eating.

Population centers have different needs.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Well, not everyone can burn wood, or has a storage place capable of having the 2L of water per person, different people live in different places.

The 3 days is so the state can come in and help, if you live in a big city center, the requirements are not the same as if you live in a farm.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (7 children)

That’s good, then can you read your original comment and see that other people are in other places with other situations? 😌

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (9 children)

I have tablets for purifying and rainwater, but that needs rain, and in winter it means fuel.

Food for these days should not be dependent on water.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (13 children)

If your food needs water to be eaten then you need to store that extra water, which is by far the largest part you need to keep.

[–] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Because, being an American company they are bound by US rules. Meaning in an embargo, it’s lights out.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And that’s also very fair, i tend to agree with you where parenting is more educating than helicoptering.

However cities are different, countries are different, norms even, and what might work in Paris, might not work in Dallas, or in Helsinki.

Also some kids might enjoy having the ability to talk to their parents and don’t see it as an infringement on their freedom, because it’s also how you act on the information you’re given. Others might not. You might even change your opinion if your circumstances change too.

I’d say, had you said - for my particular situation - I wouldn’t have batted an eye.

All that said, kids making mistakes and being kept far from monitoring and social media is a good thing 🤓

And thank you for being cool about this 🤩

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I’ll reply to you once, because i feel it needs to be said.

Other people, have other lives, in other places, with different kids. That gives them a different situation to yours. The fact that you and yours can/can’t do a thing doesn’t mean others can/cant.

Thank you