Not from Voyager on Android. But we have already concluded that it depends on what you use.
Dang, that labtop is so old it has a dialup modem built-in.
Look, having a big penis is not as beneficial as many would have you believe. Especially if your girl is petite...
Your embed doesn't work for me.
Seems like it's because you used http instead of https:
The only reason I know the contents of most classic literature is because of "So You Haven't Read" series on YouTube.
He never said that asking nicely is out of the question.
I looked it up afterwards and yes, US eggnog is different from kogel mogel. For the latter you just whip egg with sugar and you're done. Former is much more involved, requires heating milk and stuff.
Dang it, I wasn't updated on this... BRB, gotta put alcohol into my kogel mogel...
15,000 years in the past is absolutely not enough to go back to monke. Even just the modern homo sapiens existed for the past 150,000 years. But I suspect to expect those bros to know that is irrational.
Does this imply that American eggnog is alcoholic? I was told eggnog is what we call kogel mogel, which is just whipped egg and sugar, basically.
I see. Looks to me that they just rebrand cheap Chinese phones and sell them in Russian-speaking countries. I doubt they offer anything extra compared to the phones they rebrand, except maybe Russian translation for the UI.
I think we veered too far off from Jadzia doing sensual phallic pottery and should refocus.