
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

@SleepyWheel Besides smoother are there any technical advantage?


AOSP with MicroG vs Nextdns with good lists

How better is AOSP or Graphene OS with MicroG or Sandboxed google services compared to just using NextDNS with some good filters.
I mean microg or graphene os will still connect to internet for google stuff I use. Also I can block internet access for a domain using NextDNS which is quite similiar to cutting network access in graphene OS. So how come stock android with NextDNS is less private than MicroG/GrapheneOS.


How to change dark/light nature of libadwaita in non-gnome systems?
I use a window manager on Wayland. I know customising gtk4 apps is hard for some reasons. Neither I want some great level of customisation for it. I do not need uniform theming etc.
A simple way to change dark light theme from terminal. I use darkman to switch between dark and light theme. I just need a way to switch between dark and light with libadwaita
Please help.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago

@birdcat @voidx When I want to buy 10 currency unit thing and I have only folds of 100 or 50 units. And shopkeeper also do not have lower folds. Also when amount is big.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

@Achyu But it is an unpopular opinion cause most people hate them due to privacy reasons.

Hi (


Hi (

@test Hi

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

@Achyu Google stuff (you are not spy from Russia), Super usefull and well maintained apps. Especially google pay (UPI). I will get down voted but I will not lie they are super useful.

Matrix bridges, rss bridges, and obtanium are also recommended.