Thank you!
This was adorable.
Is.... is that Waddles? From Gravity falls. GODS MAN Mabel has been worried sick!
Så... om man inte bryter ner och är en drama queen så får man ej asyl.... wow.
My thought when i saw this can be summerised in 3 simple words
- no
- shit
- sherlock
I know im a bit late to the party.... sorry bad joke, but i hope your feeling better. Being at social gatherigs is taxing as fuck and that with depression is not a good combo. Take care of yourself!
Awsome. Painting miniatured (from my little experience) was very fun. The slow and steady pace adding detail.
Also amazing that you have reconnected with your friend :)
If you know where the article is i would love to read it
A specific series or all of it?
Who is it? The youtuber that is?
Repeats are always welcome in my eyes atleast. Ive gotten refixated with ancient egypt atleast 5 times
My lonlieness-anxiety(not sure if its the correct term) has come back with full force. Christmas has not helped at all .... yay overstimulation!! /s