Until we're not anymore.
I thought feminism was about equality.
Until we're not anymore.
I thought feminism was about equality.
So when A oppresses B for 100 years and B is the victim, and suddenly B oppresses A for the same fucking reasons, A is not a victim too??? How's that fair? How's that equality? That's not equality, that's revenge.
Question is, privileged compared to whom? Of course I do not want to be privileged compared to women, persons of color, whatever other part of society that I currently might be privileged compared to because I am a white man. But that should not mean that I have to hand my privileges over so they become privileged compared to me. We should all have the same level. That's what I thought feminism was about. If it is not about ironing out these privileges and leveling the differences, but instead to hand them over and turn the tables, I have the fucking right to feel like a victim.