So I'm assuming that, like the rest of the broligarchy, what he actually means by "free speech" is right-wing authoritarianism exclusively and what he actually means by "free markets" is monopolistic corporate capitalism.
This isn't about drugs - it's about normalizing executing people for non-violent offenses.
When it gets right down to it, he just wants to see a whole lot of people executed - basically anyone and everyone who criticizes, threatens, troubles, or merely inconveniences him.
He really is sort of pathetic.
It's weird and oddly discouraging. It seems like the individual most responsible for the oncoming collapse of the United States should be some sort of supervillain, but he's really just a desperately insecure and over-compensating wad of hair, bronzer and congealed fat with the emotional maturity of a spoiled three-year-old.
And meanwhile, his wannabe Rasputin sidekick is a desperately insecure and over-compensating middle-aged chuunibyou who's still trying, and pathetically failing, to be the edgiest 13-year-old, and to not think about the fact that everyone who knows him thinks he's an asshole.
As if it's not already bad enough to watch as the US is systematically destroyed, we have to watch as it's systematically destroyed by people who are so pathetic and creepy.
Such a haunting song, even by Morphine's standards.
It's his way of saying "Thank you."
Well played.
I doubt it's true, but Trump desperately wants to be told what a big boy he is.
I think this is only partly about the need to keep the value of commercial real estate inflated.
I think there's a more fundamental psychological motivation.
The illusion that the C-suite actually contributes value sufficient to arguably justify their obscene salaries depends in large part on them sitting in offices at the top of a building full of workers.
If the building is not full of workers, that threatens the illusion.
To the surprise of no one who was actually paying attention.
Behind closed doors, the consensus has been that other countries don't want to get dragged into the current war in accordance with NATO mutual defense agreements.
But since Trump insists that he can end the war, that's obviously not a consideration for him - by his claims, there will be nothing more standing in the way of Ukraine membership in NATO.
Which makes this announcement that much more significant - essentially what he's saying is that even after the main obstacle to Ukraine membership has been eliminated, the US will oppose it.
Because... no, Trump is not Putin's puppet. He's something even worse - a cringing sycophant, desperate for affirmation from his strongman idol.
No surprise there - there aren't enough ignorant people to fully sell Trump's con job as things stand, so he needs to take steps to make even more people even more ignorant. And hamstringing education is key to that.
psychopath /sī′kə-păth″/
A person who engages repeatedly in criminal and antisocial behavior without remorse or empathy for those victimized.
A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, cunning, manipulating, glibness, exploiting, heedlessness, arrogance, delusions of grandeur, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, disregard for morality, lack of acceptance of responsibility, callousness, and lack of empathy and remorse.
I remain convinced - grow more so virtually every day in fact - that the long-term goal of Trump and the fascist right is to formally ally with Russia in a war against the EU/NATO.
Much more to the point, it will be a war of plutocratic oligarchy against social democracy.