Anyone who did not successfully fight to keep their name out of the civil case could see their name become public -- including Epstein's victims, co-conspirators and innocent associates.
Well, this tells us that we probably won't see any notable people in the release then...
I swear if I stare at this I can see his eyebrows move.
When I left reddit because my favorite app rif was shutdown, that was the first instance that caught my eye. I love Star Trek.
Guys guys, they're talking about us!
I've never seen that (I tend to over tighten rather than under), but I can see how that can happen quite often.
I had a .25 nozzle for small details but swapping is a pain in the ass with having to heat up to unscrew it. Then my heater block moves with it. Then you have to hope you don't drop the hot nozzle on your bed and dent it (I know). I tend to print a variety of things so being able to quick swap will be nice.
Apparently the 3.13 fw supports the Revo now, so we'll see.
Update: Flashed the 3.13.2 Revo fw and new fw isn't working for TM calibration... going through the troubleshooting steps on github
Update 2: got it working with suggestions on the github. Had to manually send some codes to the printer through octoprint to get a TM set up.
They make hotends with quick swap nozzles? This picture is of the E3D Revo hotend replacing the stock E3D v6 in the Prusa MK3S+.
Things like this and the screen time laws are why I foresee China as a huge threat in the future. Every other country will be mindless zombies staring at their screens and stupid. Easy to take control of.