
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Currently I wouldn't count on it as for as long as there is no activity on codeberg, looking at it in general is a waste of time. If you find an issue on both Kbin and Mbin and are convinced it is the same issue, it's definitely worth reporting on both.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

He may well be referring to my posts and the chaos that ensued in the comments thereof. You have a valid point. However, Ernest's communication has up to now not been very consistent, both timing and content wise. It makes sense he hasn't given updates, for the time being, as he didn't have any real improvements to announce, unlike this one, to prevent another escalation. Not the best strategy, but given the odds of a similar situation arising again, understandable. You are already part of a similar discussion it would have started and it would have been over nothing. At least now he had some (good) news to announce. I would not likely have responded though, I haven't really paid much attention since the last time. Once again I was attracted by the notification of a message, on matrix this time, leading me to have a look at what's going on. I am saying this because some people were convinced I was stalking and harassing Ernest last time, to give you an impression of what chaos he is likely referring to. Of course odds are something would have triggered my attention and I would have, as I said I won't be silenced. But other people have taken the lead this time.

Let's hope Ernest really is doing better and will do as he says, so we can forget about the past.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

That's great Ernest. Good to read you're going to delegate admin tasks. I'm ready to help as you know. There's a question on the matrix about unusual activity, maybe you can have someone look at that. Stay strong!


Update: we're live @rimworldporn

Hello, I am the founder of /r/RimWorldporn. We would like to move away from Reddit and are looking for a good alternative. We are kind of like /r/earthporn, so we require hosting of large images. We've been around for about 4 1/2 years and have accumulated roughly 30GB of images. The main advantage of Reddit is that it hosts relatively high quality images, for free. Would kbin be a suitable platform for this? We could host our own instance, maybe even centralize image storing on it.