We used Matlab back where I studied and the faculty did provide the software for free through a central license server. Since internet wasn't as prevalent and stable back then, a good chunk of students did pirate it anyway... so there's that...
I've been using and continue to use SciLab and Octave privately and even at my job. It's great for calculations, simulations and for data analysis, if you're not doing it in dedicated tools and don't require a neatly designed graphic interface. Where we ran into trouble was with toolboxes, hardware integration (HiL) and safety. For a business it doesn't make sense to spend all those resources (the workers' time and skill) to build all those tools etc. when Mathworks already does it and you'll always be trailing them. Also as soon as you try for 'safe' software and are restricted to specific hardware (which is being developed and updated regularly itself), the whole process becomes way too cumbersome, while Matlab has specific toolboxes for specific hardware. And as a last point: Matlab has made alot of progress in terms of the interface and automation in the last few years, so more people can easily use it.
So there are differences but it really depends on the specific circumstances, whether they merit the price.
It has to be noted, that the car was initially built for a competition named "Formula Student", where there are several disciplines and the tracks are very narrow and twisty. The team added these fans to the 2019 runner to increase grip (double from what I understand) and maximize traction especially at standstill for this record (As you said, not to prevent taking-off). And since the wings would take up too much drag, they only left the undertray with the fans in terms of aerodynamics. Aside from that it is an electric car with four powerful yet small motors, placed at the wheels. Congratz to the team and AMZRacing!