A tip is a bonus for exceptional service. Not something that you have to give. Why should i pay more than the menu lists if i don't gain any benefit from that? I mean i regularly tip but i will definitely not tip like 20% unless the service was exceptional (i.e. delivering pizza while it's ≥30°C outside)
Took me a second to realise. Guess i was a bit Losst
Tipping in general should be for a good service or out of convenience. It shouldn't be expected
That Actually sounds really sick
Yeah exactly completely agree because i read allat👍
But Jokes aside i have yet to notice anyone be affected by such stories, so either it's not that bad, everyone i know is very resistant or this more deeply engrained than imaginable
In what world is that NSFW literally just a girl sitting saying that boys aren't real
Just need a long enough arm
Got my upvote. Theres the door 👉 🚪
That's why i said directly. I will definitely be affected in some form at dome point
I don't even have the energy to keep resisting the endless flow of bullshit anymore. It gets worse from day to day. What bothers me the most is that it's gotten so bad that i turned apathetic to it. If someone starts spewing right wing bullshit i just zone out until they finished. In the end I won't be directly affected by a right wing leadership in my country but i still can't stand the idea. All the progress we have made in the last few years in terms of equality would just go to waste
Based son fr