I have set up my Jellyfin with NFS Shares from another Server.
Jellyfin is able to acces those paths since it I saw it writing .nfo files in the directories of the episodes and Movies.
The movies and series are recognised correctly, but when I open said movies or series, i cant see the episodes and i am unable to start playing them.
It was able to find all epsidoes of like two series. When you open one of those two, you are able to see the episodes but cant play them. If you do, an error about unsupported formats pops up.
ffmpeg is installed in the directory that jellyfin expects it, so i dont have any idea why this is also failing.
Does this sound familiar to any of you fellas? If so, could you give me a hint or a link that helps me with this anomaly?
Thx in advance!
Just for the sake of testing maybe try it with a oneliner:
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=testuser,domain=testdomain // /mnt
Either way using the logs is the best way to check for discepancies. Also check in on the logs on the fileserver. Though idk what to advice to trace the logon stuff and trace whats making it fail.
Just for the case that you dont know where to look in windows: eventviewer is the place to go. Which predifined filter though - simply google that.
Wishing ya the best of luck mate!