This is peak content.
Sounds exactly like what I'd be doing if I was a pilot 🤣
Immediately thinking of Pulp Fiction
This is inspiring! I'll have to give some of these a go.
Thanks for the thoughtful write up. 😊 Already excited to get a bit more adventurous with it!
I do need more dishes in the back of my pocket that start with mirepoix. If y'all got favs, pop a holler.
Got me thinking it's time for chicken pot pie again...
Standing? Naw, low & slow simmers fine with just occasional wang'jangling. Although it helps being close enough to catch a wiff for the reminder.
Loool know that pain well! Potential salvation with "nah but your last name" or like "there's not a silent 'eux' (or whatever's clever) in there?"
This concept has legs, let's get this thing green lit!
Aight who has tips on how to mitigate this shit? I'm one of them ADHD cats who's a little chaotic yet charismatic, so I'm always getting remembered and doing most of the name forgetting. Has made for probably hundreds of terrible moments where I'm absolutely dancing around the fact that I've forgotten an old acquaintance's name.
If you've got a good technique, please share I need that yesterday
If not dementia, it was a similarly debilitating condition. Wanted to dip on his own terms before he became a husk of himself.
RIP Rob, you were the GOAT.
"Check, check one, check one two, cash also accepted"
Saw episode one, thought it was dope. Saw drama about the immediate drop in quality before I caught episode 2 and now it's been a bit hard to wanna jump back in.
That kickoff was so well done! Ya hate to see the immediate contrast...