Into face stretching
I know that this is a lighthearted place, but why do you think so? E-Mail is one of the most democratic and equity promoting forms of communication there is through its decentralisation and open standardisation. It would be the very kind of thing the Federation would want to preserve or introduce itself.
Though I must confess that I am skeptical about scenes like this. In my opinion, DS9 often comes dangerously close to glorifying terrorism, which might have had a more positive reputation in the U.S. in the light of the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan, however, little did they know that they themselves would become the occupiers from the perspective of many people, especially in the Arab world. I doubt that DS9 would have approached terrorism the way it did if it would have been made after 9/11.
I think that you have got to learn and come to accept that people have different tastes. Stellaris certainly can be too difficult for some people, but that doesn't take away from its brilliance.