
joined 1 year ago
[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

I have no idea if you are a shill or a genuine person.

Look at their user name.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Only a coward would think autism is an insult.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Your comments get deleted because you seem to think autism is a derogatory to attack people with.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

Yeah, seriously. With this specific person, all you have to do is ask a question. If the answer doesn’t benefit their agenda in any way, it’s a personal attack.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

Apparently, they’re now banned from their own instance.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Just report the ableism and move on. This person seems to think that everyone is a CIA operative and that autism is an insult.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world -3 points 3 months ago

Enjoy the day, troll.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

You can’t help yourself, can you?

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Hey… it’s an insult to you, not me…. Liberal.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Whatever you say…. Liberal. Welcome to the block list.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Point out the ad hominem for me please.

[–] Rhoeri@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (5 children)

Again, if you can’t have a discussion with someone in good faith without resorting to your little secret insults, you can’t really ever expect to be taken seriously or treated as an adult, can you?

Imagine if I called you… hmm.

Imagine if I called you “bait troll” after every sentence. And then defended myself by saying, it’s not an insult if it’s true, right? Because we both know why you’re derailing every conversion you are in with the “liBeRaL” rhetoric. It’s to circumvent the “be civil” rules here and to bait people into being reported by you.

This conversation, and many others you’ve had all seem to end the same way.

With you smugly insulting everyone you come in contact with until they give up…

You’re now not to ever be taken seriously. Way to go man. Big win for your ideology. Be sure to let the others see your good work here. You’ve managed to hurt your cause even further.

Now- go ahead and respond with some more petty insults while completely ignoring the wheelhouse of the conversion.


This is driving me nuts!

The only way to make the katana auto equip after tossing knives is to un-equip one knife- but then I have to pass through unarmed to get to it.

Is there ANY way to fix this?


EDIT: This is on PS5-

I made the stupid mistake of acquiring the performance skill from the bard girl in act I by playing along with her, and now no matter whereI I move it to, or even remove it entire from my radial menu, it forces itself back to it every time I have a fight and forces my default radial to whichever one it puts itself on. Even if it has to create a new one.

I had to stop playing this character because its so annoying. Is there a way to make this stop? Or do I have to start over?

Also- is there ANY way to keep Recast Speak with Dead on my bar without having to add it every time after a long rest?

Seriously… the radial menus in BG3 are biggest buggy mess I’ve seen in a game in a while. But it’s such an amazing game!


I have multiple accounts, and I can only ever switch to whichever the newest one added is. How do I switch to a previously created account?


It needs vocals, but I thought it was funny.


So to start off, I have a pretty severe sinus infection and possibly a severe tooth infection as well. I know the first because I went to an ENT, and I know the second because the ENT I went to- said that he thinks I need to have a dead tooth removed, and that it it’s more than likely also infected.

The problem I have is that I seem to have a bad reaction to the medicine I was given in that I absolute lost my shit when I was on doxycycline. Or it could have been the Fluticasone because apparently that can have some bad reactions exactly like mine.

From out of nowhere… my heart rate was off the charts, horrible panic throughout the evening, disassociation, terrifying dark thoughts of doom and gloom…. the works.

This was Thursday night.

I’ve only JUST begun calming down and then found out when I woke that my childhood-into-mid-adult best friend living on the other side of the country has died.

So I’m not doing well.

I have a bad infection and I can’t take antibiotics for it- (the idea of trying anything else makes me shake with anxiety now) and I have a white knuckle fear of hospitals.

I don’t know what to do.

I know that it’s best to go to the hospital, but they’ll want me to stay there for observation. Which is for the best because if anything happens, I’ll be safe- but the idea of being in a hospital away from everything I know is freaking me out.

How do I do this?


Error says I’m not logged in. Though I see that I am. I even see my subscribed communities and inbox.

Cannot see a way to sign out- for all sales and purposes, I’m locked out of my account.

No issues posting from Voyager (formerly Wefwef), so it’s not my lemmy.world account. It’s specifically Memmy.


Disclaimer: I’m not asking for medical diagnoses, more I’m trying to find some hope and peace of mind in the chaos that’s become my brain-

I REALLY hope I can find some help here.

So to start off, i am on the spectrum. So maybe not as default, but I think my depression/anxiety stems from this which can’t be helping my situation at all, but to get to the point….

I have a pretty bad sinus infection. Can’t say for certain how long I’ve had it, but my best guess is several years up to a decade or so. I’ll say though, that it’s not even CLOSE to how bad I’ve read it can get. I can breathe through both nostrils fairly well, and it’s only slightly restricted. Only recently it’s gotten bad enough to go see someone about it- who seemingly wants to jump right to surgery. Another source of extreme anxiety.

And to add- I also apparently have one (or more) infected teeth. As of now, my ENT is uncertain which caused which, but I have an appointment to have a scan done to see what needs pulling/fixing.

So here comes the part with the problem:

Thursday night I took my first dose of a new antibiotic prescribed after the fist round (can’t remember the name) did nothing.

The new one? Doxycycline.

The problem? Several hours after taking it my entire world became a living hell.

Absolute panic, disassociation, stress, fatigue and insomnia that has lasted until current and seems to wax and wane through the day. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I only took the one pill- ever. Nothing more after that aside from Fluticasone. Which I’m understanding can ALSO be a contributor via something called Steroid induced Psychosis.

To that- I’ve been on the nasal spray for about two-three weeks, and occasionally doing more of it than prescribed. 3-4 doses per day as opposed to the suggested 2. This is due to ignorance on my part of not kowing it was a steroid treatment. (Didn’t know you could just by something like that off the shelf)

So to get to the point…

I don’t know what to do. I’m having seemingly severe mental reactions to almost all medications I’m given, but need to get this infection handled before I can even think about having a tooth extracted. (Or possibly sinus surgery) And this absolute shitshow of a health crisis has got my mind reeling with panic and doom/gloom. I feel like I’m up against a wall and I can’t find a way to get through it. On top of that, I’m barely sleeping.

Does anyone out there have experience with adverse side effects of doxycycline and/or Flonase? If so, how did you get through it? How long did it take? Are there any permanent effects?


Am I just WAY overthinking this? Because it doesn’t feel that way. The panic, disassociation, doom and gloom, anxiety, depression… it all feels very real to me.

Apologies for the life story, I’m an info-dumper on a good day- today… I’m an absolute wreck!

Thanks in advance for any/all advice!


Still having to close the app and reopen every time I forget that this feature is broken. Loving the swipe features though! Smooth!!


Freezes the entire app and I have to close/reopen to fix it. Never managed to have this work since the change.


Unless I’m missing something, I don’t see that option anymore.

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