
joined 1 year ago
[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Great shot! Is it me, or does it have an expression reminiscent of Chicken of Chickenthoughts?

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Looks like a wasp pretending to be a fly, really. Might just be the Beedrill shape it kind of has.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Man, I had such high hopes for Anthony Mackie. He's been great in everything else. Can't out-act bad writing, though.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

The 4chan UAP larper.

A fun read, even if it's as substantial as smoke. The writer does his best to connect the dots of all the recent UAP news and sightings that have been happening. Still, his posts helped drive a fair bit of the engagement surrounding current events. The air of anonymity from places like 4chan really captures the imagination.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

"You think I want to be here? You think I want to work all these hours? I have a wife and new kid at home, you think I don't want to be spending time with them?!"

That is a direct quote from a former coworker at a well-known manufacturing company notorious for overworking their people on the floor. He was ranting about how offended he was by other people not volunteering to take overtime.

I was... confused by his statements. The overtime he was referring to was entirely voluntary, no one had to volunteer. The company was facing a nasty downturn and there was barely enough work to go around as it was. But he was furious at the idea of people refusing to work literally pointlessly, taking time away from their loved ones. The absolute contempt in his voice was striking, and I remember it clearly years later.

I wanted to turn around and tell him, "No, it doesn't sound like you do?" but I felt he was already hurting enough.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 32 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

It's much more complicated than that, unfortunately. I've been following this for some time, purely for my own entertainment.

This primarily started with the Nimitz Incident, when the military released official video of what they claim is unknown technology. This received little attention, except for civilians taking interest and making it heard. Fravor, for example, was brought on talk shows to give his account.

Not much was then heard for a few years, until a new whistleblower hotline was implemented, ostensibly for the sake of digging up dirt on Democrats.

David Grusch's story is that he has been working for UAP-adjacent programs for some time, and in his career, has heard a number of very disturbing secrets. Claiming he's a boy scout, he has used this new whistleblower hotline to try and drag this out into the light, and he claims he has names and locations of ET material, as well as direct knowledge of the location of massive amounts of taxpayer money that the Pentagon "lost." To use a metaphor, a net that was meant for minnows may have caught a shark, and Congress has finally taken notice.

Now others are following his lead in using the whistleblower hotline. The other two in the hearing have similar stories and testimonies, and all three have staked their reputations and careers on this, to whatever end that means. According to Grusch, he has already been targeted and is currently being protected from further retaliation.

The purpose of the hearing was to put their testimonies into official record, which is VERY interesting, given how outlandish their claims are. This is the first time such testimonies were given credence.

Also very interesting, during the hearing, Matt Gaetz weighed in with a testimony of his own. Cautiously putting politics aside, Gaetz has, at the very least, said some VERY strange things for any sitting representative to say. He has risked being labeled a full on loon for this, which while not totally devastating for a Republican these days, I don't imagine is exactly preferred.

This is some of the most extraordinary events related to UFOs and aliens in many decades, even if you ignore the endless sea of bullshit that surrounds the UFO community.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

When I trawl the net for UFO stuff, what I see more than anything is people hoping for a savior. People hoping that aliens will save us from our economy, from climate change, from religion, from fascism, from war, from nuclear weapons, from disease, from Republicans, from Democrats, from progressives, from regressives, and mostly from ourselves.

I've been speculating that that fear is a driving force for a lot of the current UFO craze. We're in a dangerous time, things are only getting worse, and people are becoming desperate for a superhero to come and save the day.

I think we're more scared that there aren't aliens, sometimes.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Yeah. There is an increasing chance that the US government is being forced into disclosure of evidence that they have UFOs and other ET material. I would suggest looking into David Grusch and the Nimitz Incident to know more. The US military is currently claiming they have substantiated evidence of ET life on our planet.

EDIT: Despite people's very sensible cynicism, this is the biggest UFO-related news to come out in more than 70 years. The situation is currently very complicated and there is definitely no clear answers, but it's very interesting.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Depending on who you ask, they already are >_>

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

This has been the response to everything that's come out since the Nimitz Incident. Bigger revelations have come out in the last seven years than in the last seventy. We're tired, and we're scared, I think. Aliens are going to need to really shake their cans if they want us to care.

[–] PunchingBag@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I think you make a good point. Some of the humor is pretty low for a Star Trek medium. It does catch its stride as it goes along.

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