
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

youll have to pay with a cc based in, say the UK, so they'll automatically change your location back to the UK. doesn't work anymore.

Same, i used to sub with Spotify, in the last 2 years i've been on Apple music, they even have better collection and playlists of non-english music. Spotify is full of rap music and so hard to discover anything else unless you know what you are searching for.


According to the report, Spotify will raise its standard subscription rate by $1 next week, bringing the monthly cost from $9.99 to $10.99.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

in the uk it used to be £18 now £20 .. that's about €23 or $25


The price of an individual YouTube Premium subscription is increasing by $2 to $13.99 per month in the US for new and current customers.

This price increase is live for new subscribers as seen on Instead of $11.99, YouTube Premium now costs $13.99/month. Meanwhile, it’s $18.99 if you’re subscribing from the iOS YouTube app.


As we often report here, it’s common for tech companies to help each other improve their security systems by sharing zero-day exploits found by security researchers. Google, for example, does this a lot. But recently, an Apple employee reportedly found a zero-day exploit in Google Chrome – and that bug was never reported to Apple by that person.


Apple has warned that it will shut down services such as FaceTime and iMessage in the U.K. if the government goes ahead with controversial legislation.

A proposed update to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 is currently in open consultation. Members of the public are invited to offer feedback on the amendments, which include a requirement for messaging services to notify the Home Office, a department of the British Government that handles immigration, security, and law and order, of new security features before they are rolled out, and the right for the Home Office to privately demand that security features be disabled immediately. Under current legislation, the latter can be requested, but there is an independent oversight process and room for appeal before action is taken.



I thought we could make a list of open source Swift projects that's open to public contribution. Which is one of the most effective ways to really learn programming.

We could follow this template to make it easy for readers:

Title in Bold

Short Description:



A new deal on data transfers between the EU and US has alarmed businesses and privacy campaigners.

The pact, known as the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, was announced on Monday by the European Commission. The EU’s executive body concluded that the US offered an “adequate level of protection” for data transfers under the new arrangements.

The framework replaces the Privacy Shield, which the EU’s top court had struck down in July 2020 over concerns that the US didn’t provide sufficient protection against government surveillance.


Today, SUSE announced that it is creating a hard fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and that it will develop and maintain an RHEL-compatible distribution. SUSE says that it will invest $10 million into this project over the coming years. One major open source company forking another major open source company’s project is equivalent to going nuclear. But there’s a reason SUSE is doing this now, and that it will likely be championed by many in the open source community. It’s a complicated story.

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