
joined 1 year ago


I glossed over True Lies in the original list. Completely missed it.

Obviously that has the highest budget. Probably half of it is just the F16 set piece at the end.

What I’ve learned from this list is that period pieces are way more expensive than I thought.

I assume Interview, Maverick, and Gump are all inflated just due to the historical sets.

Inflation calculator says a 1990 was worth 2.3 times more, so most of those budgets are still tiny.

The only question is if his victims are few or many.

[–] MidwestMayonaiseSalad@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago (3 children)

We used to make midbudget movies. Of those, probably speed is the most expensive and it’s budget wasn’t insane.

It’s good they are coming back

The cluster munition attack with the highest known civilian casualties occurred on April 8, 2022, when Russia launched a Tochka-U ballistic missile equipped with a cluster munition warhead at a crowded train station in the eastern city of Kramatorsk as hundreds of people were trying to leave the area. A detailed Human Rights Watch investigation found that the attack killed at least 58 civilians and injured over 100 others.


[–] MidwestMayonaiseSalad@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And the ruskies are using them in civilian targets.

Beyond that, know what else has a chance of exploding well after the war and injuring or killing someone?

You know what both Ukrain and Russia have already use many thousands more of than Ukraine has been issued cluster munitions?

You know what no one is moralizing about so hard they shit their pants?

::: Landmines :::

[–] MidwestMayonaiseSalad@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I’m dumb. Please explain coffee.

sail the seas, friend

[–] MidwestMayonaiseSalad@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I love how religion means not helping anyone and you don’t owe your neighbor shit.

Facebook somehow makes about $18 per person on the planet in ad revenue.

Norway is 5 million people or $90 million/year all else being equal.

$100k/day is $36.5 million/year.

So, it’s less than it should be by probably a factor of 4-5, but still not so small they won’t feel it