Wait, is this implying death only appears after you die, like the fly? So the guy is already dead!
It's just people with ADHD doing things they think only people with ADHD do... No, it's normal.
As a gay guy, Margot is pretty hot, but she's no Robert De Niro.
That's a great idea! You should make that post and provide supporting data with your claim!
You're a centrist afterall.
Nice, just tried it. I'll start tying my shoes this way.
A co-worker was saying something about the government taking people's land using imminent domain.
They are right leaning, which makes sense with the fema camps nonsense.
Have you considered adopting a cat? A lot of places waive the fees to adopt.
"I DoNt like tHaT yOu lIkE nAtO"
Wait what? That... Shows a lack of understanding toward how the world operates. NATO, with all its faults, does a great job at uniting our world.
All the grocery stores in San Diego are getting shopped, people freaking out. I think it'll be fine.
With climate change, this will be someone's the weakest one we see for the next 50 years with hurricanes more frequent on the West Coast.
This is your child. Only you can place a price tag on your love.
For some, there is no limit.
This is so fascinating, I wonder if other types of medium of similar methods for hiding music.