It's disorienting as hell. While there's valid criticisms about the emptiness of the depths, the feeling of initial exploration (pre-hoverbike etc.) was masterfully done IMO. I can't count how many times I went to throw/shoot a bright bloom and it landed three feet in front of my face on a wall or a root I couldn't see lol. Seeing the first Yiga base in the distance and wondering what that dim red sentry robot was, the first Frox, vast gloom swamps, armored freakin Lynels... yeah, it's creepy. And I loved it lol.
opens video, sees white horse and minimal stamina
Reading these replies, it feels like I'm the only one that didn't automatically take the carpet bombing approach. 😂 They're doable with regular melee. If you suck at combat like me, tanking and food-chugging is a valid method. Dazzlefruit works (briefly), as do elementals. I wouldn't be surprised if someone figured out a way to chain ice and lightning strikes a la BotW to get a stun lock on the whole group at once.
(I'm going to try and be vague in the interest of not being spoilery for those that haven't played.) So, I did a lot of TotK "out of order," being not very good at following directions and much more likely to follow whatever just caught my attention. Which meant that I found myself trying to skydive into the Lost Woods when I realized that I was above it. And then being determined to get in when I kept voiding out. All with 5 hearts and maybe two geoglyphs. So my first "hands-on" experience was during that quest with jack-all for maneuverability room. I died several times before going back with a ton of sundelion snacks. The encounter on the plateau still startled the hell out of me lol.
(Not too much later I finished that quest and got the sword glyph (I forget in what order)... and then I finally decided to follow Impa to the temple like she had suggested many game hours ago. And I could have saved myself some grief (and spoilers) if I had just followed instructions rather than rampage across the countryside willy nilly. >_> )
Though that might just be a caching thing. tl;dr kbin is buggy... I just really like the web interface >_>
The original formatting works just fine within Voyager FWIW. Apollo for Lemmy when?
...wait, no. 's comment doesn't have a link at all in Voyager. It just ends at the colon. That's weird.
And it also didn't render my @ mention properly. Kbin did. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
I thought we were the People's Front of Bajor(a)?
It's not my work, but yeah, there's some color inconsistencies. I had it as my phone lock screen for months so I looked at it an awful lot lol. The Zonai parts look much brighter than they do in-game, and the saturation on the armor looks like it was adjusted as well. If I had to guess, they were shooting for an end result that more closely matched the tonality of the original Akira art.
As for the armor mismatch, it's possible that the original author/artist didn't have all of the pieces available and wanted to strike while the idea was fresh. I just try to appreciate it for what it is and not let the inconsistencies bug me.
I'm with you on it being clickbaity. But this particular series I've been watching for a few years now. And I gave it a shot because of the host — in the BotW days (and possibly TotK as well), Max/Rin was one of the folks finding the crazy stuff, particularly with combat. He would discuss and post clips and how-to's on R*ddit and YT, and was part of the reason "everyone knew" about certain things. At some point he got picked up by GameSpot and the current format was born. It's clean and corporate, but the host has bona fides.