
joined 9 months ago
[–] LoverOfLiterature 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Thank you. I’m pretty new to the Fediverse. I’ll move us back to our original thread. After Project Hail Mary I read a novel by Weir about a colony on the moon… can’t recall the title. All I know is that I abandoned the book because the social problems of earth were recreated on the moon and I just kept thinking, what’s the point of having a colony on the moon if people are still going to be shitty to one another.

I just didn’t “believe” it. And as you know from Project Hail Mary, I can believe some pretty far fetched stuff.

Do you know this moon colony book?

[–] LoverOfLiterature 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Hey— someone else is on at this moment! Do you know who our Mods are or the person who runs this instance?

[–] LoverOfLiterature 1 points 6 months ago

Sorry if this comment here is inappropriate but I have a question for a Mod or the kind soul that runs this instance.

Could you please message me privately so I can ask a question?

[–] LoverOfLiterature 1 points 6 months ago (5 children)

I love learning how people read.

When I love a book, I don’t reread it but instead look for the writers other books.

The next from Weir that I read was called Project Hail Mary — and I loved it. Surely not as “relatable” as The Martian, it was simply exciting and had an unexpectedly delighting “bro-mance” — don’t want to spoil anything.

Have you read it?

[–] LoverOfLiterature 5 points 7 months ago

I’m trying to get into the Popul Vu — it’s a piece of Mayan literature that covers their cosmology. Interesting and challenging story telling. Does anyone have experience with it?

[–] LoverOfLiterature 2 points 8 months ago

I can’t remember all the character names but I remember a lot of surprises. Keep having fun with it!

[–] LoverOfLiterature 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I’m smiling.

My memory of my gargantuan journey through that gargantuan tome is bitter sweet. King creates so many characters we adore — and more that we despise.

I believe I saw it as a working through of the Bush Jr administration and I went so far into this thst I began a chart of the which real life people the characters represented. Like many of my ADHD projects, that one didn’t bear fruit but your bring up this title makes me smile.

[–] LoverOfLiterature 1 points 8 months ago

Orwell offers so many hidden gems. I recently read Keep the Aspidistra Flying which kept me absolutely captivated and I could not get over how contemporary it feels.