more like recieving obedience training and praise from thier trainers/masters.
its because they all the time to listen to joe roegan and become engaged on X thats why.
1/3 which is much worst than 1/4 denial.
funny thing Witty dint even bat an eye, one of his underlings got shot.
probably thats why reddit has banned OF accs en masse recently, they couldnt get money from thier OF promotions. im betting with the paid system, they will allow some form of approved botting for those channels in the form advertisements.
the addicted powermods will fall in line, i bet and hide some of thier larger subs behind a paywall as premium content. i see the political subs doing this r./politics, r/news, r/conservatives these only 3 i know are the top subs especially since they are spammed on the front page.
patreon accts, how some youtubes peddled thier patreons, and found out theres very little difference between the 2. might be different for a STEM channel.
OPEN AI and GOOGLE has been in cahoots with reddit, made sense since google allows reddit to use its CAPTCHA V3 system.
the large subreddits are like that, i avoid it completely if i get banned from it previously. its telling if reddit allows something conservative to be on the front page alot.
that explains alot why times is obsessed with putin and him.
its been screwed since OBAMA was president, conservatives including poc cant get over the fact they had a half-AA as a president. ever since putin and the gop have been riding on racism and sexism as thier key election goals, and only recently anti-lgbtq+
if its the silk road/belt promise, which the US does too.