
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks for that - much appreciated. Sorry I failed to respond earlier, I'm still getting used to the fediverse, and seem to have managed to get multiple accounts so... yeah

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

What's MARS? I couldn't find any reference that seemed to match due to... well, the ambiguitiy of the name :D

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Even the history of this is fascinating. This is the "Moses Bridge", and it's a renovated part of the old dyke system that was used to prevent attacking armies from getting in - because the dykes and levee's had blocked the sea so effectively, they realised they could stop attackers by... flooding them out. Literally.

When it came to renovate this area, they wanted to provide access without denigrating the fact it was an old defensive structure, hence this unique sea-level bridge.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I took my daughter to the Manchester Science Museum, and saw a BBC there. That was my first home computer in '86. I'm 42...

Of course, I still move reasonably well, the tablets keep the depression at bay, the inhalers keep the asthma away and the powerballs keep the RSI away :P My brain is still sharp (And I hope it stays that way as I'm a coder, so I kinda need it), and the glasses keep my eyesight up-to-scratch. Let's hear it for pharmaceutical or physical solutions to intractible issues ;) I also keep up with modern music. Like some of it, don't like others - but then, that's the same as when I was a kid or a teenager. I fight to keep an open mindset, and not slip into the 'rose coloured glasses' fallacy... Having a young daughter is a help to this, because she views everything as new, and interesting, and may I never, ever shutter that desire to learn more. I always try to answer her questions if I can...