
joined 7 months ago
[–] 0 points 4 hours ago

Guess what though? That's literally all of history, dodgy AF, featuring an intrepid cast of characters more awful the deeper you look. That doesn't make the art or music worth writing off though.

Not at all, but as an accurate representation of who felt what? Yeah it's not the best source. Music is also specifically less so, because it's too abstract to really be propagandistic apart from the vague aesthetic of grandiosity.

"Earnest" is definitely not the word you're looking for.

It very much is, actually.

Earnest [adjective] - resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.

A sincere intense conviction in gathering a generic dataset representative of the very broad concept of "images" in order to be the source from which future researchers can train a diffuser model as a proof of concept, to create patterns represented in those images out of randomised noise, driven by scientific pursuit and uncontaminated with the subjectivity of artistic taste is about as fitting for "earnest" as can be.

Remember, I wasn't talking about only the outputs of any given model, but the dataset itself.

Derivative, maybe, because you said it yourself, they're reflections; and as such, they're going to reflect what images of today are; like you said.

Yeah, the outputs definitely are, but derivative of an earnest representation of us. That makes it an interesting and unbiased account of what our images really are like.

It's interesting to go on SD and consider an idea, a concept, and what image it conjures in your head, then proompt and see what kind of images it conjures from the model. The difference is the difference in bias. It's an interesting reality check.

That makes them derivative

So is most human works. If anything, the randomness of noise, even by processor's famously incapable of any such thing, is going to be far more unpredictable than the copying done by humans.

In itself though I don't think that inherently makes either less valuable, all originality only exists as both an evolution of and in contrast to the established and accepted, and that is achieved by derivative works, perhaps even creating a genre.

If anything, part of the problem is that AI art is too original, sometimes inventing 6 fingers, or 7, the form is broken, and the idea of any image no longer resonates.

and I feel a vast artificiality that makes my heart sink when I look at the vast majority of them.

Personally I don't. I don't think there's anything that makes them any more artificial than any human work.

Ultimately all are a human vision - an image generator is just a lot of fancy matrices in a file without human input, neither it nor Photoshop can make everything by themselves.

All are ultimately .jpegs, products not of some singular vision but also of the tools developed and available to the human, all are concepts so far removed from nature, labeling one artificial but not the other is splitting hairs on a head freshly and cleanly shaved by a precision engineered mass manufactured machine shipped half-way across the world in system so complex most people don't understand it.

Choosing machine-created art over historical art is choosing a passing fad over centuries of culture.

Oh come on now. You can hate AI without resorting to delusion or ignorance.

Not only is AI art on the rise, but even a year or two ago the tools for generating images were good enough that it's already seeing noticeable widespread use, including in the physical world. And that's not even touching on the strides and accomplishments in the LLM space.

It's your right; but to write off history with a wave of the hand means you're missing out on truly expanding your horizons.

I'm not writing anything off as is hopefully evident by my writing here, it's moreso that the value of it as I see it is perhaps overestimated by yourself.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Admittedly not EU per se, but Europe nonetheless:

See figs 2, 3 and 4.

Particularly the 18-year old cohort as relevant to this conversation.

38% 'ever used' and 18% actively currently using e-cigarettes.

Considering the nature of the activity, these figures are more likely to be on the low side of truth as well.

ITC study found that 24% of people aged 16-to-19 years in England reported having vaped in the past 30 days in 2022.*

*Done in UK, US and England.

In England again, a study of ~180k showed in 2023 that the proportion long-term actively vaping is now 10%, from 4% in 2021, and only 1.3% in 2013.

At 10%, that's 6.6 Million vapers in the UK.

Considering active research since the 90s in desperate hunt to be the next big public health discovery has not yet managed to come up with any actual negative effects of vaping save the rise in BP from Nico comparable to a cup of coffee, and how surprisingly many say nicotine improved their mental health (see the ash study) myself included, I'd say it's unlikely people are going to stop any time soon either.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago


[–] -3 points 16 hours ago

Ty will check out

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

RetroArch never works right. Even once you get past the cores and all the other stupid bs, once you get to setting up the controls it never works right, most buttons just do not work in game, if they even work in the menus.

So many years, so much effort, all wasted.

It's still so much easier to keep BlastEm, Snes9x, Duckstation and whatever else installed, so much faster to set up controls and most of the time you don't even need to as everything works out of the box.

And yet plebbit will say nuhhh use muh libretro cores!!!!1 so heckin' wholesome Keanu chungus 100!!! I love my wife's boyfriend!!!!111 Thanks Reddit!!!!!


Why is the solarpunk memes community on this instance filled with such massively anti-left folks?


The concept of a public Unix box is neat, but why? Is this a way to connect with like-minded people? Is this locational? I've known about this for a while and I don't really understand the purpose. What is anonradio? Lipsy gopher show? I have so many questions, I'd love some answers.


I've found lots of examples in C of programs illustrating buffer Overflows, including those of pointer rewrites which has been of great help in understanding how a buffer overflow works and memory safety etc. but I've yet to be able to find an example illustrating how such a buffer overflow can rewrite a pointer in such a way that it actually results in code execution?

Is this just not a thing, or is my google-fu rust y? Tried ChatGPT and my local Mistral and they both seem unable to spit out precisely what I'm asking, so maybe I'm wording this question wrong.

If anyone in here knows, could point me in the right direction? Thanks y'all btw love this community 🧡


Was trying to extract a totally legit copy of Skate 3 I downloaded today to play on my Steam Deck


Hey y'all

So I've been a big anti-Wayland shill around here but decided to finally give it a shot, I installed Debian 12 with GNOME, and can't seem to get Plank working.

Without the Plank dock, GNOME is unusable, and KDE refuses to autostart Guake (does not save the setting in autostart), and when it works it seems broken (stuck to the left side of the screen).

These are fundamental apps to me for any decent Linux laptop use. What gives? Is there an alternative?


Just got a steam deck and immediately checked out the desktop mode, and I was somewhat surprised to see KDE and pacman as opposed to GNOME and apt, I have nothing against the former though a strong preference for the latter, anyone know why Volvo went in this direction?


So our cishet furry VRC post-ironic microlabel (decentralized) polycule decided we're switching to Scientific Linux ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ because one of us fancies nano polymers in their fursuit in her spare time and she is very funny (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠⁠) so I want to support the girl boss to live her truth♥⁠╣⁠[⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠]⁠╠⁠♥ problem is when I go to (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠) there are not many instructions ┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠¯⁠\⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠/⁠¯⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻, one asks me to download something called microsoft Edge, will this give me the abilit*t*y to edge mo*o*re ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ or what that's welcome but that's best left for playtime ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ for business theres something called terminal ◼️(⁠●⁠’⁠3⁠)⁠♡⁠(⁠ε⁠⁠●⁠) but I checked my symptoms (⁠╬⁠☉⁠д⁠⊙⁠)⁠⊰⁠⊹ฺ and I have no terminal ones (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) so am I just sol乁⁠ʕ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠•́⁠ ⁠ʔ⁠ㄏ? AITA for just sticking with Windows and work on de-siloing comms for the CIA (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~ the rest of my life having never given an ounce of authenticity to the world ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽? Thanks, Kind regards 🙏


Hey! After seeing the main Anarchist sub on another instance be a bit of a shit show this one seems awesome and I do love me some solarpunk so this instance seems pretty cool as well.

But I gotta ask, is this instance anprim/anti-civ? I see green in the sub banner. It's not really a worldview I vibe with since I'm very much pro-tech, pro-civ, pro-AI, pro-medicine and pro-LGBT & disability rights, so if the majority here are of that persuasion I should probably bail, don't want to argue or start fights.

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