
joined 1 year ago

No where does that source say Biden tried to shut down the Internet. The closest is this part

Donald Trump publicly advocated that “in some places” we have to talk about “closing up the Internet.” He got his wish, but it came after him personally following his election in 2016. The very free speech about which he made fun turned out to be rather important to him and his cause.

Also I can't take a site seriously when one of their sources they link to is the Twitter user "End Wokeness"

There are some parts I agree with, but there's plenty there that's right wing dog whistles for "I want to say hateful things and have no consequences" free speech

[–] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

And your ad hominem of saying Kamala was making stupid faces that pissed you off and sounded like a whiney bitch confirms you have nothing intelligent/important to add either.

Sometimes it's not an echo chamber, and you're just wrong. Not about the spin put on the headline, just in general.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes, like a monkey throwing shit exposes the surrounding victims to e coli, you are exposing us to your views. Thank you brother

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

They said it CAN be a nightmare when it's bad weather. Being a parent is hard, and there are parts that are mentally, physical, and emotionally exhausting. Especially when they're so young they could die just sleeping the wrong way.

You're being unnecessarily obtuse and combative. It brings nothing to the table and alienates the people you're talking to. If you want to be taken seriously, try approaching the subject with a little bit of maturity and empathy. You can even have the same message that someone isn't right to have kids, without coming across like a random asshole on the Internet

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For the IAU records on Wikipedia, yeah. A couple things to keep in mind, 80% of the people who complete an ultra marathon are male. And the gap between the sexes, some estimate around 4% for ultra marathons, seems to be trending down.

Here's better research I found. You're right, men still win more often and have the records. But honestly it's more complicated than just who is faster.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (6 children)

It's in the ultra marathons that women keep up with men and sometimes beat them

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There's a point at which women do tend to get better at endurance racing and often surpass men. And it's in the ultra long distance races. Which actually tracks, as hunting would have likely been a mix of long and ultra long distance running

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

Sorry to be a downer, I just learned from reading some of his other comics that he is legitimately a bad person. So I wouldn't recommend subjecting yourself to his garbage website

[–] 11 points 1 week ago

His comics hypersexualize women, with constantly bad anatomy and gravity defying clothes in service of that sexualization. Like the pose where a woman has her butt facing the audience, and her chest is somehow rotated 120° so you can see both? Yeah, those poses constantly.

And his main comic is called "Living with Hipstergirl and Gamergirl" with a bunch of his comics are super incely. Like his comic with the classic 'woman wants nice guy, but not really' because she says "but not now, when I'm pregnant and out of options", making fun of fat women, saying women are constantly falsely accuse men of rape, even a comic of a woman posting a sexual picture online with her caption "I'm lonely, anyone want to join me", and the punchline is her getting mad that someone broke into her house to "join" her. Like she was wrong for that.

He has some weird comics about racism and diversity too. And a comic where someone is literally shoving the gay pride flag down someone's throat. Just generally redpilled, right wing, incel type garbage. To such an extreme that I legitimately believe this man may be a predator in real life.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I can only imagine it's rich people who use this argument to try to justify hoarding wealth. After all, minimum wage is $7/hour, so these lazy bums only have to work one hour a week to live and they're still complaining? They can easily save money every week. It's their problem, not the person with billions of dollars.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah probably part of it. Donors who are Democrat, who knew the majority of Democrat voters didn't want Biden. Democrats were calling for Biden to step down, while we aren't seeing the same level of demand from the Republicans for Trump to step down due to declining mental health

[–] 72 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Democrats complaining about it are the reason Biden dropped out. Weak whataboutism

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