
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Things have been going well in the beehive! All my bees stay busy constantly upkeeping the absolute absurd amount of electronics in my hive, keeping my yayo reserves high to continue financing the colony or taking care of my hoard of aerofleets (which started with just a single aero fleet). Overall this build has been an absolute blast, although steel became my main hurdle in this contest, I was able to continue trucking on mainly through the wonderful SRTS mod which enabled me trade my mountain of drugs for all the steel and components I needed. I stayed true to the layout as best as I could although it did lead me to have 2 useless rooms, the food material storage and the throne room. Special shout out to Dub’s paint shop mod which allowed me to paint my base the colors to give it the beehive feel I was looking to emulate!


Main mods:

Hotseat (for narrative variation) RimOut: Legion Faction SK's Fallout Great Khans Bad Hygiene Communicable Diseases Hospitality Gastronomy ReGrowth - Wasteland (requires ReGrowth Core) ReGrowth - Mutated Animals Fallout Races Ghouls and Robots (Seperate mods) Vault Tec Handy things [O21] Fallout Armoury The Forge - NCR Armoury


100 colonists and 100 days of food! It was a goal that I'd set for myself near the beginning of the ship's construction, and I'm somewhat proud that I reached it. I never hit 10 million wealth, though...

I'm gonna be taking a look at 1.1 mods for the first time now. I'm hoping to keep most of my original modlist intact but add a few of the fun-looking new ones. I had... I dunno... ~150 from memory.

My outside defences were actually damn tough, haha. If you zoom in you can see 40 guns on the side of the main dome, and 16 on each of the outside domes. For anyone that doesn't recognize em, the green ones were long-range snipers that could one-shot an insufficiently-protected enemy pawn, and the purple ones, the shredders, were short-range that did even more damage and fired in bursts. I would build 3 shredders in my barn when I was trying to tame a new gallatross, as a safety measure. The sentries, plus how tough spaceship walls are, meant that any raid coming from the outside was taken down without too much fuss. I'd just mass-select any colonists that were nearby (I made sure all of them were combat-equipped and trained) and send them over to clean up any leftover mess. It was always a pain to separate the melees from the ranged -- still waiting for a mod that lets you select only ranged/select only melee pawns. If the raid looked too dangerous, or if I just didn't want to bother, then I'd chuck in a few mortar rounds first.

It was the drop pod raids into the base that I had to worry about. If you zoom into the western dome, you'll notice all of the cracks on the hull from where I had to mortar my own poor ecosystems. I think mechanoids had dropped in there recently, before 1.1 came along. The biggest raid I ever had was a ~1000-android drop pod raid when I only had 3 exterior domes. I think Dire Raids went berserk on me. Thankfully, it landed mostly outside of my base. (I think drop pod raids are meant to be confined to a single square area, and there were so many that the remainders spawned in random places around the entire map.)


It's not too bad really, once you have it set up and make sure there's always enough resources, it just sorts itself out. You have to play at low difficulty, though, or it will get to being a lot of work, really fast

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

This is not my colony, but I do play very large colonies. The answer is in the numbers; if you have enough colonists set to do the same job, it will get done. The only problem is that things like workbenches get reserved. So workers with a specific task, like cooks, get assigned a bed near their work spot, because all the time they're travelling to their stove, it's reserved and can't be used by other cooks. All goods they require to do their jobs are hauled in by other colonists


Hello, and please don't mind the badly drawn river up north~ (I just didn't want sappers to ruin the mountain front)

Just wanted to share the colony before it's retired. For all intents and purposes, it's pretty much done aside from achieving the victory condition (the ship is ready to launch, but I don't intend to do so). I'd say this was a relatively casual playthrough despite the slightly increased threat level (150%), and that's mainly because one of my starting colonists is basically a Sanguophage with none of the drawbacks, and many of the other custom xenos I made are just as cracked. Not to mention overpowered stuff from mods like VPE, VFE Ancients, and Alpha Animals.

This colony has really scratched my itch for city-building. The customizability of vanilla Rimworld is already pretty good, but mods really add a lot to the depth and atmosphere of building up your settlement into a "Magnificent City" (thanks Vanilla Ideology Expanded). Consequently, some of you might notice that much of the logic behind the buildings lean towards aesthetics rather than efficiency. Heck, you might see the prison and exclaim that it looks "too fancy" (don't worry, it's just a different type of torture). But that's just the way it goes.

Now that that's done, maybe I'll do a nomadic style on the next playthrough.

Have a fun colony management simulation!

Vanilla Brewing Expanded gives you more ways to convert raw food/plant materials into profitable, sellable produce, such as whisky and cigars. You would, however, need to dedicate some space for some plants aside from your food crops.

Mods that give you ways to raise your trader's selling price, whether it's Vanilla Skills Expanded or whatever traits mod you like (I use Consolidated Traits). You can potentially get the sell price of an item to be higher than the buying price of other traders (exploit this if you want).

Perhaps get mods so you can defend yourself better from raiders. Of course, if you don't oppose to organ farming, raiders themselves become a source of income. You can even get mods to allow you to maximize this (harvest post-mortem and whatnot). For both defending and "maximizing organs", I have Vanilla Psycasts Expanded.

I believe a large chunk of this colony's wealth comes from the Replimat mod. The price of Replimat buildings are way higher than the materials used to build them, so it causes some inflation.



This was u/JesterMasquerade's first playthrough with Rim of Madness - Cults and Hospitality, which they decided to also make a Sanguophage run and do it on the Forsaken Crags, where darkness is eternal because it is a perfect place for a vampire to start their colony.

This story begins like many others: A deal was struck, a gift was given...and a thirst for more was created. Lexi "Pratt" Ortiz was born in an advanced world...but one ravaged by war and its fallout, the consequences of which made themselves felt later in her life, creating a very real biological clock ticking down the seconds of her existence...until THEY arrived. Their offer seemed ridiculous: immortality, immunity to disease, to the frailty of old age...all in exchange for a thirst for blood. She accepted, thinking it a joke, only to be surprised when she was bitten. She awakened days later, spry, strong and healthy...and immediately decided to liquidate her assets. This changed things you see. Eternity is a long time, a long enough time to enact change, to build a world anew... She gathered resources, equipment, and even bough herself a servant, paying for top of the line genetic work to convert them into being able to produce milk, jelly, devilstrand and even eggs. A docile servant able to feed on anything without complaining...a Human Honeypot.

The planet was selected, a location chosen, far from influence, far from the burning gaze of the nearby star, perfect for a brand new start, perfect for the First Seed.

Work was slow to start, but steady, the first waves of looters quelled by a flick of her wrist and the tip of her sword. The rumour of lodging and safety soon attracting travellers, which were welcomed with open arms to free, warm and dry beds and free food. This of course led to permanent members...but also to more daring raids.

Steel gave way to plasteel and uranium. Cloth gave way to devilstrand...but that was not enough. Every battle Pratt began to lose flesh and bone, the colony's protecting angel paying her pound of flesh to save them. They would be replaced of course, the finest of bionics they could acquire would go to her unless someone else was missing a piece...But even that was not enough.

It was clear to see she could not hold the line forever, not by herself, and as such others joined her. Her husband, a dirtmole was the first to pick up a shield to guard her back, and soon others followed, their bravery rewarded with the promise that when old age came for them, she would share with them the bounty of immortality.

And thus they fought. They fought for a dream, a dream of an utopian oasis in the middle of strife...but each battle fought grew harder and harder...and strangely the colony began to focus on dreams themselves. You see, someone was watching them. Listening to them. That someone, or something, showed them a perfect city, one of bliss and content, where death and pain would never reach them...All it demanded in return, was that every one pay a price of entry.

The colony had taken prisoners from the start, bloodbags harvested from the midst of those that would destroy them and refused to change their such sacrifices were in hefty supply. The alters were built. The candles were lit. The litanies, chanted...and the blade held high. As the last breath of the last sacrificial lamb left their body, the First Seed dreamed, a dream they would never need to awaken from again,,,


Full description:

The Nothern Estheder Eternal Compound. 10 Vampires in a Swamp, with another 10 humans to be converted once the Hemogen farm has been expanded. Proud producer of finest headwear and marble statues. An Adventure Story told by Randy Random, Valeria Vanilla and Steven Savescum.


The colony on which the RimWorldPorn logo was based, made by u/Tutti96ToldU almost five years ago. I wonder if Tutti is still a member?


Huge thanks for u/Epicguru for the

Timelapse 2000 mod! - Check the progression here.

And thanks u/spidermonkey12345 for the idea of the Rá/Horus eye!

I'm very happy how it is now, becouse it was frutating to make the spiral and the eyebrow, and in the end they were not symmetrical, but that's fine. My resolution is not big enough for me to even notice (yet). I feel it still got the original concept, besides some imperfections, is hard to create something aestetic and efficient at same time. So? what you think? Want a pick of it being raided by mechs?

Tutti Out!
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