Thanks for telling me lol. I remember sharing your enthusiasm when I started.
If you don't mind me sharing, here are some tools I use the most in the console:
- htop: resource monitoring and process killing. Mint has a GUI alternative
- btop: better resource monitoring, but worse process killing than htop.
- lazygit: amazing interface for git. Seems hard to get started, but IMO, not at all. There are GUI alternatived.
- tmux: multiple consoles and console manager. A bit hard to get started.
- nano: text editor. Reeaaaallly simple to use, prefer it over emacs and vi/vim.
- grep: you already know this one.
- cronjobs/crontab: allows you to run periodical commands. Say, a cleanup script all days at 7:08 AM.
Also, some GUI programs I love:
- KDE Connect: device pairing with your cellphone and PC. Includes remote mouse input, multimedia control and file sharing.
- Steam: Almost all the games I play on Steam run flawlessly on Linux.
- Stellarium: astronomy/planetary app.
Pick your poison lol. If you don't mind, we can start talking via ptivate message.
One of my favorite albums ever. Thanks a lot, and RIP.