
joined 7 months ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago


I type on mobile. Let me fix it.

[–] 26 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Fun fact: People could commonly read in the Middle Ages.

There is wide spread belief that medieval Europeans couldn’t read and write, but most peasants could read and write in their VERNACULAR languages. The idea that only 10% of the population could read and write comes from that fact that only 10% of the population could read LATIN, which is the only reading that they thought mattered.

They weren’t wrong to think this too. Latin was one of the only standardized languages due to its use by the church. Vernacular languages varied very widely from place to place, such that it was very common that two peasants from neighboring towns or regions would not be able to understand each other, even if they could read and write some form of “German”.

Most peasant would then be able to read and write their own notes and records, but probably wouldn’t be able to sent letters to next town or read any books.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I’m not familiar with the British Monarchy so I can’t really comment on how appropriate your framing is.

What I can point out is that your statement is logically inconsistent on its face.

One can’t be neutral towards a fascist state because the fascist state won’t allow one neutral. In such a condition, anyone who claims to be neither for fascism or actively anti-fascism is pro-fascism because the condition of fascist power will direct all the labour and efforts of participants to the support of the fascist state. In such a condition, pro-fascist is the default condition, and anti-fascism can only be achieved through conscious effort and educated and effective praxis. There is no neutrality. One is not neutral in the face of fascism simply because one declares to be so.

So, if the same conditions essential to fascism are true of the British Monarchy, then the nature of the political situation is stopping Brits from being neither for or against Monarchy. If your assumption that fascism is like the British Monarchy is true, then one could only be pro-monarchy, or achieve anti-monarchy through conscious and intentional effort.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Compulsory alliance is sort of a core feature of fascism so you really must be either fascist or anti-fascist.

If fascist government is in power, it will creat a system in which non-partisan participation furthers and advances the fascist state, so one cannot “opt out”. Since a fascist system won’t entertain neutral, the question “Are you fascist or anti-fascist? You can only pick one.” Is not inherently disingenuous.

Communism does not force people into supporting it, there “neither” is an acceptable answer to “Are you communist or anti-communist” in a way that cannot be applied to fascism.

Well, Communism doesn’t force participation as long as you don’t ask the tankiis, but fuck the tankies.