joined 1 year ago
[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Even though I am a vim user. This is a good comment ! Nice editor choice (The only reason I don't use it is because never got used to the keybinds)

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 9 months ago

Desconhecia, já vi que é FOSS!!

Mas a app serve apenas para tracking correto ? Do género traktTV, não é um epub reader?

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 6 points 11 months ago

There is also an Android app, I would advise to not login your account as you will get banned, but for looking at public profiles it works (as anonymous).

Barinsta (Simple yet advanced Instagram client) https://f-droid.org/packages/me.austinhuang.instagrabber/

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

How do you mount the GDrive ? What app allows you that ? I know gnome allows it but since moving to sway I gave up on it

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 1 year ago

Basically see the wiki below but I would like to add is Linux only.

Don't know if there is something like v4l2loopback for windows.


[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Seems to be just normal vim, maybe some distros packages the binary (of vim with more options enabled at compile time) as vimx so that it doesn't conflict with another vim package (as an example vim-tiny). https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-vimx/

But only @aram@garam@lemmy.my.id, can answer that for us.

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 1 year ago

No distro has the 45 packaged yet ahahhaha

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 4 points 1 year ago

This, super love that distro !!! Perfect for users that don't have a lot of needs.

Personally, I never got used to the container workflow :(

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

O percurso que normalmente faço de Expressos não tenho que parar para ir ao WC, é um percurso curto, cerca de 2 horas, por isso a experiência de pagar 1 euro para ir à casa de banho não tenho. Mas parece-me ser mais um problema dos operadores dessas estações de serviços/terminais do que da Rede Expressos.

Mas sim concordo em parte com o que dizes.

Atrasos constantes. No terminal da minha terra não existe nenhuma informação, simplesmente é ficar lá sentado até aparecer o autocarro.

E o que me choca mais é o preço. Esta viagem Porto -> terra Perto de Vila Real pago 11 e tal por um bilhete normal. O autocarro está sempre cheio, não percebo o preço elevado. Ou seja, cerca de 24 euros ida e volta.

Fazendo as contas fica mais barato andar de carro sozinho (infelizmente porque para mim é uma filosofia/ideologia os transportes públicos).

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 1 year ago

Did you follow their docs ? Read page by page and everything should work fine.


Hi, first time contributer, so here are some questions:)

Could someone please check if I did this speed cam right ?


Also I have added this comercial gym node, but shouldn't I update the overview of the buildings to show that there are 2 different places now ? If so, how ? ( I am using Vespucci on Android)


Appreciate your insights thanks !


Hi everyone long time vim/neovim user, currently for my latex I have in ~/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin.lua the following line:

vim.opt_local.makeprg="pdflatex -output-format pdf -output-directory /tmp %"

I am now working in a latex project that has a makefile, is it possible to create something in the lines of:

if ! makefile_exists then
  vim.opt_local.makeprg="pdflatex -output-format pdf -output-directory /tmp %"

Ended up with this and it seems to work fine:


local makefile_exists = vim.fs.find('makefile', {
  upward = true,
  stop = vim.uv.os_homedir(),
  path = vim.fs.dirname(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)),

if #makefile_exists == 0 then
	vim.opt_local.makeprg = "pdflatex -output-format pdf -output-directory /tmp %"
[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Currentlt playing Red Dead Redemption 1 so yes I am at the +10years behind

[–] CjkOvPDwQW@lemmy.pt 0 points 1 year ago

Ui o pessoal a dar downvote nesta notícia ao menos comente algo ...

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