Back when I still had a desktop system with an NVidia GPU, I never had these problems. On my gaming laptop with an onboard intel + nvidia gpu, I also didn't have these problems. But....I'm very experienced with linux, so most noob problems are not an issue for me. That being said, POP_OS supported GPU switchting out of the box, without having to faff around. YMMV.
(un)fortunately, my thinkpad has a spillproof keyboard.
Do you have a NAS at home with enough storage? You could use wireguard to setup a vpn tunnel, then mount your NAS's storage on your vps via nfs and using cachefilesd. If your upload speed is sufficient, this can work pretty well without too much waiting for a stream to start.
Nobody wanted his d.
Gravity. The biggest killer of Russians lately.
Gentoo is really great if you want to learn a lot about Linux really fast. Back when I still used it, the documentation was second to none.
Is it just me, or does he look like he's in the wrong decade? He looks like he should be the evil boss in an 80s sitcom.
Proton works on any Linux distro, it comes with steam. As long as you can install steam, you should be golden.
That's a trend that needs to die. I blame MacBook airs and ultrabooks for this nonsense.
Laughs in ThinkPad running Linux.
Short answer, no. Nobody knows. At least not unless you can accurately predict exactly how many API calls and how much data you will transfer.
Meine Befürchtung ist, wenn man die AfD verbietet, dann kommt als nächstes irgendwas schlimmeres hervorgekrochen. Wahrscheinlich subtiler und weniger offensichtlich als die AfD.
Ich meine, die AfD ist ja nicht aus dem nichts entstanden. Ein nicht gerade kleiner Teil der Bevölkerung hat Die Gewählt. Vielleicht wäre es auf lange Sicht besser, herauszufinden warum Leute die AfD wählen und vielleicht da ansetzen, damit eventuell auch keiner die Partei wählt die nach der AfD kommt.