Ah yes, because overseas occupation is a known cost cutting method...
Technically, It was written to allow state militias to exist before we had a standing US army.
That's 22% worse.
That's basically wrong half the time vs wrong 1/3 of the time.
This real only works for W2 workers, and a few 1099ers.
They know when you leave some things (banks, brokerages, employers) that also report to them off. They don't know everything.
So yes, they could prefill it a majority, but the filing companies didn't want that to happen
Individual Retirement Account
They're still developing it. This was a test rollout to see if they could do it. IRS software was still running on cobol mainframes. Upgrading from these things take time and a lot of development. And they're doing it from scratch.
You can file by paper
The slimmest majority of the minority of Americans who voted
The government providing a free service that private companies charge for is considered overreach by the wealthy elite who stand to gain from holding a monopoly over access to a necessary thing.
*After being bribed by the IMF. All they did was change the wording on an unenforced law, and got access to a billion dollar loan.
Crashing two planes in his first week wasn't enough, huh?
This is the dumb fuck who tore up the non proliferation nuclear treaty with Iran his first term, with nothing to replace it with.
Now, years later, he's concerned with them developing nukes?