
joined 1 year ago

Hands down the Pentel RSVP ballpoint pen

I wish more businesses would invest the $2 it takes to utilize these pens. It's basically going from: "Hey, Michelangelo, we've got this large block of marble, and a hammer. Make us a masterpiece!" to "Mr Buonarroti, here are all of the tools you'll need to write tiny text on tiny pieces of marble

Years ago my mother was going through an old box of photos we brought with us when we moved to a new country. These were all in weird size formats, I guess it was developed on whatever size paper that shop had on hand that day. There were pictures of my mother and father when they got married, various family events and family members. Then there were at least 3 black and white (maybe purplish or orangeish?) polaroid sized photos of my father and mother with 2 babies about the same age, then there was another of my father, my mother, myself and some kid - we were both dressed alike more or less (short sleeve button up shirts and shorts) and were standing in front of the front door to one of the apartments we rented, me and the other boy were standing in front of my parents and an uncle and aunt besides my mother and father. The last one I saw was of me and this boy, on what I remember was my first day of kindergarten. Right after the picture was taken I remember crying as some kids do when their parent leave them at the entrance to a new school. I mean I still can feel the tears on my face to this day...I guess I was a little dramatic

The weird thing is, I remember all of my childhood friends, I remember us doing stupid things, I remember falling out of a swing and whacking my head so hard on concrete I saw stars. I remember us getting in trouble for going swimming in a nearby river when we were like 6 or 7. I remember waking up, I remember getting ready for school, I remember breakfast, I remember going to sleep. I remember all of these things, but I don't remember this random kid from these photos. I've asked my mother about it once or twice, but she says she has no idea what I'm talking about. I've tried looking for the photos again, but I moved away a while ago and it's bugged me all of my adult life. Did I just maybe have a really vivid dream after watching some tv show? Did I space out while we were going through those photos. I tell myself he was probably just a cousin that spent time with us. it's just weird because I'm the only kid of that age group in the family, I was the first grand kid in both families there were no other kids my age in the family when I was growing up

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'd go bankrupt 0.00001 seconds into the maintenance cycle

[–] 29 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Something valuable you say....hmmm, let me think about it for a sec

Lightly toast one side of each slice of bread for the outside of the sandwich (or the inside depending your preference).

Place a slice (shaved from a block) of cold cheddar cheese in between the PB and J. You can vary the thickness of the cheese slice depending on the texture you'd prefer.

Cut into triangles


+1 for the Perun reference slide (and YT link) 😀

If anyone reading this isn't familiar with the Australian Powerpoint man, you should definitely check out his youtube videos, they're informative and funny

I've got no experience with nixos (so YMMV), but I do run libvirt . Is virt-manager available in your install and if so what happens when you try to run virt-manager from the command line? IIRC I deployed my Win11 VM straight from the virt-manager gui and didn't need to touch any of the config files

Many years ago I worked for a small company who'd just hired a new CEO - and the guy hated me for some reason. He used every chance to make inappropriate remarks, and at times he'd just get angry and start yelling at me because his MacBook wasn't doing something the way he wanted it. Keeping in mind, I didn't do support for endpoints, my specialty was servers and network. I'd just let him go off because he wasn't local, and would only come to the office for a day about once a month.

One day he called into the office and asked for me (again there are other support people who could easily help him with his macbook issues). He states he's on a train, and can't send or receive e-mails. Assuming he's done basic troubleshooting, and not wanting to piss him off further, I go through normal troubleshooting steps. After several minutes he gets angry again, and starts yelling at me, so did what anyone would do - I put him on speaker phone so everyone else in the office could hear his rant. We all had a good chuckle.

Once he'd gotten it out of his system, I suggested he give me his remote access info (we'd installed remote access software on his macbook for this very reason) so I could remote into his system and see for myself what was going on. He states the software won't display the one-time access I asked him if he was connected to the WiFi, there was a pause, and then and the phone went dead, he just hung up on me. Magically his email started working after that

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

My bad, I had DNS on the brain when I wrote that earlier. Good catch on your part w/ :67 and :68. Sounds as though you're able to pull an IP now?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

No prob, let us know how it goes. Also, thinking more about it, you may want to go the static IP route for 2 reasons

  1. You wont be introducing a 2nd dhcp server to your home/production network
  2. You'll always know the IP of the guest VM(s)

w/ regards to the first issue I guess you could just allow :53 and bootps from the dhcp subnet that virt manager created. Something like
sudo ufw allow from to any port 53 where is the subnet virt-manager created for dhcp

I think that'll allow both tcp and udp. I haven't used ufw in a while, my RHEL based distros switched to firewalld, but the concepts are the same, just different syntax. I do believe you'll need udp open as IIRC during DORA the initial DISCOVER is sent over udp, and somewhere between OFFER and REQUEST it switches to tcp...but I also haven't had to troubleshoot dhcp in a while, and I have forgotten a lot. Either way let us know how it goes!

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